Back Office: Inventory - Adjust Inventory Reasons

Back Office: Inventory - Adjust Inventory Reasons

  1. Sign into the Back Office.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Inventory then Adjust Inventory Reasons. The Adjust Inventory Reasons screen appears, with the previously created Adjust Inventory Reasons appearing in table format. On this page, you can make predefined Reasons for adjusting the Inventory.
    1. The pink + New Adjustment Reason button appears at the upper-right.
    2. The Active/Inactive Reasons toggle button, Search Option (find specific Reason[s]), Column option (to select which columns to show/hide) and pagination (number of records by page) are also available.

    3. The table contains the below columns:
      1. Name – Displays the name of the Reason.
      2. Type – Displays the type of Reason (Increase, Decrease or Adjustment).
      3. DefaultTrue or False appears which is set during creation of the Reason.
      4. Action – The Edit (pencil) or Delete (trash can) options are available.

    4. Active
      1. By default, the button will be set to Active and all Active Reasons appear.
      2. Selecting Active will change to Inactive, and shows deleted Reasons appear.
      3. Select Inactive to change back to Active. A pop-up appears which shows ‘Are you sure you want to activate this item’ with Cancel and Yes, Activate options.
        1. Yes, Activate: the ‘Adjust Inventory Reason Activated Successfully’ pop-up appears.
        2. Cancel: the pop-up will be closed.

    5. Actions
      1. Edit (pencil icon) – The Edit Adjustment Reason pane appears, with the corresponding Reason’s information appearing for updating. Click Update to apply the update(s) [once any are made] or Cancel to keep as-is.

      2. Delete (trash can icon) – The ‘Are you sure you want to delete this item?’ pop-up appears, with Cancel and Delete options. Select Delete and the Reason is deleted (moved to Inactive) with the Reason inactivated successfully’ confirmation appears. Select Cancel to keep the Reason as Active.

    6. New Adjustment Reason - A new Reason is created by clicking the pink + New Adjustment Reason button at the upper-right. The New Reason pane appears:
      1. The Save button at the bottom-right will be disabled by default, and is enabled only after filling in all mandatory fields.

      1. Name – (Mandatory) Enter the name of the new Reason (maximum of 25 characters).
      2. DefaultToggle with YES or NO option.
      3. Select Reason Type – Select the type of Reason: Adjusted, Increase or Decrease.
        1. Adjusted Selected when an item is being Adjusted.
        2. Increase Selected when an item is being Increased.
        3. Decrease Selected when an item is being Decreased.
      1. SaveIf available and selected, the ‘Reason Saved Successfully’ pop-up appears.
      2. Cancel/Close If selected, the Reason won’t be created and the pane will be closed.
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