Back Office: Daily Summary Report

Back Office: Daily Summary Report

  1. Sign into the Back Office and select a Store.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Reports then Daily Summary. The Daily Summary page appears.

  3. The Daily Summary page displays a table that contains sales revenue information, broken down by DateDepartment and revenue sources.

  4. Select the following options:

    1. Department: Select a Department from the dropdown (from the Departments set in Back Office), or All Departments. You can scroll up/down to find the Department.

    2. Tax: Select the Tax(es) (one or more, set in Back Office) from the dropdown.

    3. Time Period: Select from the dropdown - 
      1. Today – The report will run based on Today’s store business date.
      2. Yesterday – The report will run based on yesterday’s store business date.
      3. Last ‘N’ Days [Enter the number of Days, type the number or use ▲/▼ to change the value by 1] – The report will run based on the entered days.
      4. This Week [Default] – Just the current week is displayed (if the report is run on Tuesday then from Sunday to Tuesday will be displayed).
      5. Last Week – The last week is displayed (from Sunday – Saturday or Monday – Sunday).
      6. Last 7 Days – Report will run based on from Today’s Date to the previous 7 Days.
      7. This Month – Just the current month will be displayed.
      8. Last Month – Just the previous month will be displayed.
      9. Last 30 Days – Report will run based on from Today’s Date to last 30 Days.
      10. Specific Date [Select the specific Date (Calendar View)] – Report will run based on the selected Date.
      11. Date Range [Select the From and To Dates (Calendar View)] – Report will run based on the From to To Dates. The From Date should be prior to the To Date.

  5. Once the Department, Tax(es), and Time Period have been selected - click Apply. The Daily Summary table is populated, containing the below columns:
    1. Date: The Date of the sales activity (DD-MMM-YYYY format).
    2. G/L Department: The Department receiving the amounts in sales.
    3. Gross Sales: The amount (in currency) of Gross Sales for the department.
    4. Comps: The amount (in currency) of any Comp discounts from the department.
    5. Promo: The amount (in currency) of any Promo discounts from the department.
    6. Loyalty: The amount (in currency) of any Loyalty funds from the department.
    7. Donation: The amount (in currency) of any Donations from the department.
    8. Net Sales: The amount (in currency) of Net Sales (Gross Sales – (Comp + Promo + Loyalty + Donation)) for the department.
    9. Tax: The amount (in currency) of Taxes collected for the department.
    10. Grand Sales: The Total amount (in currency) of Net Sales + Tax for the department.

    11. Summary Table: Appears below the Overview table, on the left side.

      1. Item Tax: The total amount (in currency) of Item tax collected for the day.
      2. Check Tax: The total amount (in currency) of Check tax for the day.
      3. Tax On Item Tax: The total amount (in currency) of Tax on item tax for the day.
      4. Tax Rounding Off: The total amount (in currency) of Tax rounding off for the day.
      5. Gift Card Sold Amount: Gift card sold amount for the day.
      6. Total After Tax: The total amount (in currency) of after Taxes are applied.

    12. Deposits Table: Appears below the Overview table, on the right side.

      1. Cash: Cash deposited for the day will be shown.
      2. Gift Card: Gift Cards deposited for the day will be shown.
      3. Total: Total deposits will be shown.

    13. Credit Card Summary Table: Appears at the bottom.

      1. Card Type: The Card used for sales transactions.
      2. Amount: The amount (in currency) of sales from the Card Type.
      3. Tip: The amount (in currency) of sales from the Card Type.
      4. Total: The total amount (in currency) of sales for the Card Type.
      5. Credits: The total amount of Credits generated for the Card Type.
      6. Net: The total Net Amount of sales for the Card Type.
      7. Total: Sum of all the values in the Amount, Tip, Total, Credits and Net columns.
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