Back Office: Delivery Application Settings
into the Back Office and select a Store.
On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings.
the Settings page, under Application click Delivery.

Sync Data To Web Order – Click the Sync Data button when all updates to
the store are completed to roll out to the online ordering experience.
applies to when you’re making changes to the Menu for Online Ordering (OLO).

the Cost of the Delivery Charge (in local currency).
the Percentage (%) of the Delivery Charge that goes to the Driver.
Enter the number of Minutes that the Future
Order should be printed Before it’s due.

whether to Assign the Order to the Departed Driver.
Select whether to generate a Cashier Report
for the Driver.

To delete an existing Zone, click the Trash
Can icon. It is moved to Inactive status.
You can switch between Active and Inactive
Zones by clicking the button. Turn an Inactive record to Active by
clicking the clicking the Action button.

a new Zone by clicking + Add Delivery Zone. Click the Pencil
to edit an existing one.
the Delivery Zone pane, enter or edit (as needed) the following fields:
– The Name of the Delivery Zone (such as the name of a
neighborhood or a ZIP Code).
Charge Cost – The Charge to deliver to a customer within that zone.
Expected Delivery Time – The expected amount of time (in minutes) to
deliver the order.

on the colorized square to change the color of the zone.

a form to draw the zone (Circle, Shape, Line, or Rectangle).
To delete any existing drawn zone, select the shape on the map, then click Delete.
Tip: If your mouse has a scroll wheel, use that to
easily zoom in and out on the map, instead of clicking + (plus) and - (minus).

Circle – Click on a point on the map to start the
circle, thenmove the mouse to increase or decrease the size. When set, click
and drag the middle dot of the circle to move it, or click and drag an outside
dot to increase or decrease the size. A box next to the colorized box will
indicate the size of the radius (in Miles).

Shape – Select a starting point on the map. Once clicked, travel to the next
point in your desired zone to connect them. Then, keep tracing your desired
zone until you want to return to the original point (the cursor will change
from a + to a finger pointing icon). Click and drag any point on
the shape to increase or decrease the size of the shape.

Line – Select a starting point on the map. Once clicked, travel to the next
point in your desired zone to connect them. Then, keep tracing your desired
zone until you want to return to the original point (the cursor will change
from a + to a finger pointing icon). Click and drag any point on
the shape to increase or decrease its size. Note: a line zone won’t
contain a color shading.|

Rectangle – Select a starting point on the map. Once
clicked, move the cursor to increase/decrease the size. When set, click-and-drag
a dot to increase/decrease the size.

Once complete, click Save / Update.
Select whether to Enable Tracking.
Select whether to include Direction.
If Yes,
enter the API key.

If No,
the default map application on the driver’s phone will be used.
whether to Show Inactive Drivers.
Enter a message for if the Order is
marked as Undelivered by the Driver.

whether you’d like to include notifications for the following, and – if Yes
– enter a Message.
Tip: Customize your message by using $RESTAURANT
to display your restaurant's Name in the message. Example: Your
order at $RESTAURANT has been received.
Driver Departure – When the Driver
is on their way.

Order Delayed – If there is a delay
beyond the expected Delivery time.

Undelivered – If the Order is
marked as Undeliverable by the Store.

Nearby – When the Order is
arriving soon.

Completed – When the Driver has completed Delivery
of the Order.

all updates have been made, return to the Settings tab then click Sync

Click Save then Publish at the top-right.
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