Back Office: Email Receipt Template Settings

Back Office: Email Receipt Template Settings

Configure what you would like to include in the Email Receipt

  1. Sign into the Back Office.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, under Printer Templates click Email Receipt Template.

  4. The Email Receipt Template page contains customization sections, along with a Template Preview.

  5. Store Info

    1. The below fields would appear in order (from top to bottom, based on the information entered in Settings > Store Info).
      1. Store Name – If selected, displays the Store Name.
      2. Address – If selected, displays the Address.
      3. Email – If selected, displays the Email Address.
      4. Phone Number – If selected, displays the Phone Number.
      5. Store Logo – If selected, entering Logo URL Link (such as your logo from your website) is optional.
      6. Background Color – To update the color, click the smaller square, then select the new base color and slide the circle to adjust the shading.

  6. Check Details

    1. Select whether to have the below information appear on the receipt.
      1. Check Number – The Check Number (typically XX-XXXX format).
      2. Table No – The Table Number.
      3. Server Name – The name of the Server who served the customer.
      4. Date & Time – The Date & Time the receipt was printed.
      5. Customer Name – The name provided by the Customer.
      6. Seat Number – The Seat number based on the table (Example: Table 10, Seat 104).
      7. Service Type – The type of order submitted (Example: QSR [Quick Service Restaurant]).

  7. Order Summary

    1. Information about Menu Items ordered on the ticket.
      1. Order Summary – Each Item Name, its Price per Unit (U/P), Quantity (Qty), and Amount charged towards the bill. Includes any Modifiers.
      2. Roll Out Modifier Price to Menu – Hides any Modifiers on the receipt and includes any additional cost in the main Menu Item line.
      3. Example: a $6 Menu Item has a $1 Modifier, then the Modifier line will be removed and the Menu Item will display as $7).
      4. Exclude Zero Price Modifier – Removes any Modifier with an Amount of $0.00.
      5. Discount under the Menu Item – Includes individual Discounts per Item when applicable.
      6. Secondary Menu Item – Includes the assigned alternate language form of each Item.
      7. Secondary Modifier Name – Includes the assigned alternate language form of each Item.
      8. Exclude Zero Price Menu Item – Removes any Menu Item with an Amount of $0.00.
      9. Tax Summary – Adds a breakdown of individual Taxes that contribute to the Tax Total.
      10. Check Total – Total Amount of the Check with Tax and Gratuity but before Tip.
      11. Tip Displays the amount of the Customer’s tip.
      12. Tender Details – Adds a breakdown of the Payment Types (Cash, Credit Card, Gift Card, etc.) and their corresponding Amounts).

  8. Additional Details

    1. Provides details about the conducting of the Transaction.
      1. Include Card Details – Displays details of the Credit Card used for the Transaction (Type, Number, Holder Name, etc.).

      2. Signature – A copy of the Customer’s signature on the receipt.
      3. Barcode – A barcode representing the transaction at the bottom of the receipt.
      4. Powered by LINGA – The phrase ‘Powered by Linga rOS’ with a link to the Support site.
      5. Social Icons – Options for Facebook, Twitter(X) and LinkedIn.

      6. Customer Feedback – Adds a ‘How was your experience’ prompt with a green smiley face or red frown face, below the Store Information section.

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