Back Office: Employee Report

Back Office: Employee Report

  1. Sign into the Back Office and select a Store.
  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Reports then Employee.

  3. The Employee report page displays a comprehensive set of data on your staff, with tabs for:
Role Based Payroll
Labor By Job Code
Cash Tip
Tip Out Share
Break In/Out
Displays information about Employees’ Attendance.
  1. Filter by the following options:
    1. Employee – Select the name of the Employee from the store, or All.

    2. Format – Select the format of how the attendance is displayed (In Time or In Hours).

    3. Active/Inactive – Select how to filter by Employee status (Active or Inactive), or All.ndance. Filter by Employee, Format, Active/Inactive, and Time Period then click Apply.

  2. Then click Apply. The Attendance table is populated with the following columns:
    1. Date – The business date (DD-MM-YYYY format).
    2. Name – The name of the employee.
    3. Employee ID – The ID number of the employee.
    4. Check In – The time the employee checked in (HH:MM PM/AM format).
    5. Check Out – The time the employee checked out (HH:MM PM/AM format).
    6. Total UnPaid Break – The employee’s total UnPaid Break Time (HH:MM format).
    7.  Hours – The number of hours the employee has accrued (based on the selected Format).
    8. Job Code – The employee’s Job Code.

    9. Total – The sum of the Hours column.

Role Based Payroll
Displays information about Employee payroll, broken down by Role.

  1. Filter by the following options:
    1. Employee – Select from the list of employees who set the Till.
    2. Process – Select from the rate at which payroll is processed:
      1. Daily – Table displays information based on the Business Date.
      2. Weekly – Table displays information based on the day set in Payroll Settings (If Monday is selected, the report will run until Sunday for the week).
      3. Daily/Weekly – Table displays information based on what was selected in Payroll Settings.
    3. Format – Select either In Time (Hours and Minutes) or In Hours (Total Minutes / 60).

    4. Status – Select based on the status of the employee(s) (Active, Inactive, or All).

    5. Sort By – Select how to alphabetically sort the selection of employees:

      1. A-Z FirstName – by first name alphabetically
      2. A-Z LastName – by last name alphabetically
      3. Z-A FirstName – by first name reverse alphabetically
      4. Z-A LastName – by last name reverse alphabetically

    6. Role – Select a Role (or All) from the list of roles as established in User Management.

  2. Click Apply. A table appears based on your selection from the Process dropdown:

    Daily or Weekly
    1. Role Based Payroll > Daily Process Table – The table is viewed based on when Daily is selected from the Process dropdown. The below columns are displayed. Use the horizontal scroll bar to view columns to the right/left.
    2. Role Based Payroll > Weekly Process Table – The table is viewed based on when Weekly is selected from the Process dropdown. The below columns are displayed (same as Daily Process). However, if the Show Summary only toggle is selected, then only the Summary row is shown. Use the horizontal scroll bar to view columns to the right/left:
      1. The Payroll week start day (set from the Weekly status) is shown. Example: If Monday is selected and if the employee has worked all days from Monday to Sunday, the working hours on Saturday and Sunday will be considered as overtime hours.
      2. If hours have been entered between weeks, the hours will be split proportionally for the days.
      3. If the employee has worked more than 40 hours in the first 3 days, then the next 3 days are considered OT hours.

        1. Name: The Name of the employee.
        2. Emp ID: The Employee ID of the employee.
        3. Date: The Business date for the employee.
        4. Role: The Role of the respective employee.
        5. Role ID: Role ID of the employee
        6. In/Out: Time that the employee Clocked In/Out. If there’s two sets of times on the same day, they will be populated separately on the same line item.
        7. Pay Rate: The payment set from the back office will be set in this page.
        8. Reg Hrs: The regular hours for the employee will be listed in this column
        9. Reg Pay: Regular pay for the respective employee.
        10. OT Hrs: The overtime hours.
        11. TTL OT Pay: Total overtime pay for the employee will be available.
        12. TTL Hrs: Total hours will be the sum of Normal hours plus over time hours.
        13. TTL Pay: The total payment (Regular + OT) for the employee.
        14. CC Tip: Credit card tip for the sale made by the employee.
        15. Grat: Gratuity sale by the respective employee.
        16. Other Tips: Additional tip types (Gift card, Membership, House Accounts, Loyalty, GiveX).
        17. OLO Pkup Tip: The pickup tip from OLO for the respective employee.
        18. DRV Comp: Any Driver Compensation - if there’s a driver and it’s enabled from the Delivery Settings. (Example: 25% on $10 would mean $2.50).
        19. Declared Cash Tip: The declared amount of cash tip.
        20. Net Sales: The overall net sales for the employee on the business date.
        21. Exp Tip: Expected cash tip for the employee.
        22. Tip Shared: The tip shared for the respective employee (either manual or auto).
        23. Tip Adj: The tip adjustment (set in User Management).
        24. Tip Out Shared: The tip out shared across roles.
        25. Tip Out Adj: The tip adjustment for the specific employee, set in User Management.
        26. OT Hours 1: First set of OT hours.
        27. OT Pay 1: The amount of pay from OT Hours 1 (percentage set in OT 1 Settings).
        28. OT Hours 2: Second set of OT hours.
        29. OT Pay 2: The amount of pay from OT Hours 2 (percentage set in OT 2 Settings).
        30. OT Hours 3: Third set of OT hours.
        31. OT Pay 3: The amount of pay from OT Hours 3 (percentage set in OT 3 Settings).
        32. Overall Tip: Sum of (Tip Out + Tip Share Gratuity + Driver Compensation + Declared Tip). Overall Pay: The employees Registered Pay + OT Pay.

The table is viewed based on when Daily/Weekly is selected from the Process dropdown. The below columns are displayed. Use the horizontal scroll bar to view columns to the right/left:

  1. Name: The Name of the employee.
  2. Emp ID: The Employee ID of the employee.
  3. Date: The Business date for the employee.
  4. Role: The Role of the respective employee.
  5. Role ID: Role ID of the employee
  6. In/Out: Time that the employee Clocked In/Out. If there’s two sets of times on the same day, they will be populated separately on the same line item.
  7. Pay Rate: The payment set from the back office will be set in this page.
  8. Reg Hrs: The regular hours for the employee will be listed in this column
  9. Reg Pay: Regular pay for the respective employee.
  10. 1.5x Hrs: If an Employee works more than 8 Hrs, anything more than 8 Hrs within 12 Hrs pay will be Time and a Half. The number of hours worked will be listed in this column.
  11. 1.5x Pay: Time and a Half is 150% of Regular pay.
  12. 2x Hrs: If an Employee works more than 12Hrs, anything more than 12Hrs will be Double time, the number of OT 2 hours worked will be listed in this column.
  13. 2x Pay: Double time pay is 200%.
  14. TTL OT Pay: Total overtime pay for the employee will be available.
  15. TTL Hrs: Total hours will be the sum of Normal hours plus over time hours.
  16. TTL Pay: The total payment (Regular + OT) for the employee.
  17. CC Tip: Credit card tip for the sale made by the employee.
  18. Grat: Gratuity sale by the respective employee.
  19. Other Tips: Additional tip types (Gift card, Membership, House Accounts, Loyalty, GiveX).
  20. OLO Pkup Tip: The pickup tip from OLO for the respective employee.
  21. DRV Comp: Any Driver Compensation - if there’s a driver and it’s enabled from the Delivery Settings. (Example: 25% on $10 would mean $2.50).
  22. Declared Cash Tip: The declared amount of cash tip.
  23. Net Sales: Overall net sales for the employee will be shown on the business date.
  24. Exp Tip: Expected cash tip for the employee.
  25. Tip Shared: The tip shared for the respective employee (either manual or auto).
  26. Tip Adj: The tip adjustment (set in User Management).
  27. Tip Out Shared: The tip out shared across roles.
  28. Tip Out Adj: The tip adjustment for the specific employee, set in User Management.
  29. Overall Tip: Sum of (Tip Out + Tip Share + Gratuity + Driver Compensation + Declared Tip).

  30. Overall Pay: The employees Registered Pay + OT Pay.

Displays information about Employee payroll.
  1. Filter by the following fields then click Apply.
    1. Employee – Select an employee based on roles registered in User Management, or Search to find an employee more quickly.

    2. Process – Select from the rate at which payroll is processed:
      1. Daily – Table displays information based on the Business Date.
      2. Weekly – Table displays information based on the day set in Payroll Settings (If Monday is selected, the report will run until Sunday for the week).
      3. Daily/Weekly – Table displays information based on what was selected in Payroll Settings.

    3. Format – Select In Time (Default, Hours and Minutes) or In Hours (Total Minutes / 60).

    4. Active/Inactive – Select based on the employee’s status (Active, Inactive, or All).

    5. Shift Status – Select In Shift (clocked in), Shift Closed (clocked out), or All (both).

  2. When Apply is clicked, the below columns are displayed. Use the horizontal scroll bar to view columns to the right/left.
    1. Name: The name of the employee.
    2. Employee ID: The employee id.
    3. Net sales: Net sales of the employee (up to 2 decimal points).
    4. Hours: Number of hours and minutes the employee has clocked in.
    5. Labor Amount: The hours worked by the employee multiplied by the wages given for the user. Note - For monthly calculation the format should be Monthly salary / 30
    6. % of Net Sales: Formula = (Net Sale of Employee / Net Sale of all Employees) * 100
    7. Labor Percentage: Formula = (Labor of each employee / Net Sales of all Employees) * 100
    8. Shift Status: Status of the employee (In Shift or Shift Closed).
    9. Summary: Sum total of the values in the Net Sales, Net Hours, Labours, % of Net Sales and Labor Percentage.

Labor By Job Code
Displays information about Employee payroll.
  1. Filter by the following fields:
    1. Employee – Select an employee based on roles registered in User Management, or Search to find an employee more quickly.

    2. Process – Select from the rate at which payroll is processed:

      1. Daily – Table displays information based on the Business Date.
      2. Weekly – Table displays information based on the day set in Payroll Settings (If Monday is selected, the report will run until Sunday for the week).
      3. Daily/Weekly – Table displays information based on what was selected in Payroll Settings.
    3. Format – Select In Time (Default, Hours and Minutes) or In Hours (Total Minutes / 60).
    4. Active/Inactive – Select based on the employee’s status (Active, Inactive, or All).
    5. Role – Select a Role (or All) from the list of roles as established in User Management.

  2. Click Apply. A table appears based on your selection from the Process dropdown:
The table is viewed based on when Daily is selected from the Process dropdown. The below columns are displayed:
  1. Date: The date the report ran for the employee (DD-MM-YYYY format).
  2. Employee: The name of the employee.
  3. Employee ID: The Employee id.
  4. Job code: Role for the employee.
  5. Hours: The number of regular hours worked by the employee.
  6. Reg Pay: Amount of regular pay. Formula = Regular Hours * Regular Hourly Pay.
  7. OT Hours: The total overtime hours done by the employee 
  8. OT Pay: The employee’s total Overtime (OT) pay. Formula = OT Hours * OT Hourly Pay.
  9. Total Hours: Employee’s total hours on a business day. Formula = Normal Hrs + OT Hrs.
  10. Total Pay: Normal Pay plus OT Pay. Formula = Net Sum of Regular Pay + OT Pay.
  11. % Payroll: (Payroll amount of particular employee / total payroll amount of all employee) * 100. The Role Total will be highlighted in the last row.
  12. Total Labor: The last row of a Role’s section of a table, with sum of the columns: Hours, Reg pay, OT hours, OT pay, Total hours, Total pay, and % Payroll.
  13. Hours: An employee’s hours worked, and sum of all the hours worked for the role.
  14. Reg pay: An employee’s regular pay, and sum of all the regular pay for the role.
  15. OT hours: An employee’s OT hours, and sum of all the OT hours for the role.
  16. OT PAY: An employees OT Pay, and sum of all the OT Pay for the role.
  17. Total Hours: An employees Total Hours, and sum of all the Total Hours for the role.
  18.  Total Pay: An employee’s Total Pay, and sum of all the Total Pay for the role.

  19. % Payroll: An employee’s % payroll, and sum of all the % payroll for the role.

  20. Summary Per Job Code Table: Displays a high-level breakdown by Job Code.
    1. Total Paid: The total amount paid to the Job Code.

    2. % Of Total Payroll: The value of the formula = (Total Paid / Total payroll amount) * 100
The table is viewed based on when Weekly is selected from the Process dropdown. The below columns are displayed (the week number is in the first row, marking each section):
  1. Date: The date the report ran for the employee (DD-MM-YYYY format).
  2. Employee: The employee’s name (from who set the Till). Search to find more quickly.
  3. Employee ID: The Employee id.
  4. Job code: Role for the employee.
  5. Hours: The number of regular hours worked by the employee.
  6. Reg Pay: Amount of regular pay. Formula = Regular Hours * Regular Hourly Pay.
  7. OT Hours: The total overtime hours done by the employee.
  8. OT Pay: The employee’s total Overtime (OT) pay. Formula = OT Hours * OT Hourly Pay.
  9. Total Hours: An employee’s Total Hours, and sum of all the Total Hours for the role.
  10. Total Pay: An employee’s Total Pay, and sum of all the Total Pay for the role.
  11. % Payroll: An employee’s % payroll, and sum of all the % payroll for the role.
  12. (Job Code) Total: Sum of the following column’s values – Hours, Reg Pay, OT Hours, OT Pay, Total Hours, Total Pay, and % Payroll. When the employee has one more role, the data for the employee under the different roles will be shown
  13. Total Labor: Total labor for the employee from each role. Sum of all the following columns: Hours, Reg pay, OT hours, OT pay, Total hours, Total pay, and % Payroll will be shown.

  14. Summary Per Job Code: The sum of all role(s) Total Labor values during each week.
    1. Date: The Week number based on the Time Period selected
    2. Job Code: The name of the Role.
    3. Total Paid: The amount of revenue generated by the role during that week.
    4. # of Total Payroll: The percentage of the role's revenue generated during that week vs the Total Labor.
    5. Total Labor: The sums of the Total Paid and # of Total Payroll columns.
The table is viewed based on when Daily/Weekly is selected from the Process dropdown. The below columns are displayed (the week number is in the first row, marking each section):

  1. Date: The date the report ran for the employee (DD-MM-YYYY format).
  2. Employee: The name of the employee.
  3. Employee ID: The Employee id.
  4. Job code: Role for the employee.
  5. Hours: The number of regular hours worked by the employee.
  6. Reg Pay: Amount of regular pay. Formula = Regular Hours * Regular Hourly Pay.
  7. 1.5x Hrs: If an Employee works more than 8 hrs. Anything more than 8 hrs within 12 hrs pay will be Time and a Half. The number of hours worked will be listed in this column
  8. 1.5x Pay: 150% of Regular Pay. Formula = (Time-and-a-Half Hours * 150 * Hourly Pay Rate of employee) / 100
  9. 2x Hrs: If an Employee works more than 12hrs, anything more than 12hrs will be Double time, the number of ot 2 hours worked will be listed in this column 
  10. 2x Pay: 200% of Regular Pay. Formula = (Double time Hour * 200 * Hourly Pay Rate of employee) / 100.
  11. Total Hours: Total hours worked by the employee on the business date. Formula = Total hours - Normal hours + OT Hours.
  12. % Payroll: The payroll percentage is the payroll amount of the employee /total payroll of all employee *100. Formula: (payroll amount of particular employee / total payroll amount of all employee) * 100.
  13. Total Labor: Total labor for the employee from each role. Sum of all the following columns: Hours, Reg pay, OT hours, OT pay, Total hours, Total pay, and % Payroll will be shown.

  14. Summary: The sum of all role’s Total Labor values during the week.

Displays information about Gratuity paid to employees, regardless of status.
  1. Filter by the following fields and Time Period:
    1. Employee: Select an employee based on roles registered in User Management, or Search to find an employee more quickly.

    2. Active/Inactive: Select an employee based on roles registered in User Management, or Search to find an employee more quickly.

  2. Click Apply. The table containing the following columns appears:
    1. Name: The employee’s name.
    2. Employee ID: The unique ID number of the employee.

    3. Gratuity: The employee’s amount of sales in gratuity.
    4. Exempted Gratuity: Any amount from the original Gratuity that is exempt.

Cash Tip
Displays information about employees' Cash Tips.
  1. Filter by the following fields and Time Period.
    1. Employee: Select an employee based on roles registered in User Management, or Search to find an employee more quickly.

    2. Active/Inactive: Select an employee based on roles registered in User Management, or Search to find an employee more quickly.

  2. Click Apply. A table with the below columns appears:

    1. Employee: The employee’s name.
    2. Employee ID: The unique ID number of the employee.
    3. Date: The date the employee made the sale (DD-MM-YYYY format).
    4. Net Sales: The Net Sales for the employee.
    5. Tip %: The percentage in tip that the employee registered (when enabling Cash Tip on the user screen, and Cash Tip Percentage is proportional to the Sale made in cash).
    6. Non Cash: Any sales made not from Cash (Credit Card transactions, etc.)
    7. Expected Cash: The amount of cash expected for the employee from the sale.
    8. Declared Cash: The amount of cash given to the employee (proportional to Expected).
      1. Note: Set in the POS. When clocking out, it will be done on the Cash Tip screen.
    9. Total: Sum of the values in the Net Sales, Non Cash, Expected Cash, and Declared Cash columns, per employee.
    10. Summary: Sum of each employee’s Totals.

Tip Out Share
Displays a breakdown of employees' tip sharing, based on role.
  1. Filter by the following fields:

    1. Business Date: (Mandatory) Select the business date (calendar view).

    2. Employee: Select an employee based on roles registered in User Management, or Search to find an employee more quickly.

    3. Role: Select a Role (or All) from the list of roles as established in User Management.

  2. Click Apply is clicked, a table with the below columns appears:

    1. Name: The employee’s name.
    2. Role: The employee’s Role.
    3. Total Hour: Total hours worked by the employee 
    4. Tip Out Share: Tip out share for the employee across roles on the respective business date, based on the Tip Out set in Report Settings.
      1. Navigation: Settings > Reports > Tip Out & Tip Sharing. Click Add Tip Out, the Tip Out can be shared across roles, and the percentage can be set in this section.
    5. Tip Out Adjusted: The adjusted tip out for the business date, based on the tip adjustment set in user management.
      1. Navigation: User Management > Tip Adjustment. The tip out adjusted field will be available for the employee under. The set number will be reflected here on this column.
    6. Total: The sum of an employee’s Total Hours, Tip Out Share, and Tip Out Adjust.

Break In/Out
Displays comprehensive information about employees' break activity.
  1. Select from the following fields:
    1. Employee: Select an employee based on roles registered in User Management, or Search to find an employee more quickly.

    2. Break Name: Select the type of break, which is pre-defined in the Reason section (Break IN tab).

  2. Click Apply. A table with the following columns appears:
    1. Date: The date in which employee took break will be displayed in DD/MM/YEAR format.
    2. Employee: The name of the employee who took the break for the selected time period will be displayed.
    3. Clock In: The time the employee logged in.
    4. Clock Out: The time the employee logged out.
    5. Role: The role the employee is filling while logged in.
    6. Meal Break (Paid): The name of the paid meal break with 3 sub-columns (Start Time, End Time and Duration).
    7. Meal Break (Unpaid): The name of the unpaid meal break with 3 sub-columns (Start Time, End Time and Duration).
    8. Rest Break (Paid): The name of the paid rest break with 3 sub-columns (Start Time, End Time and Duration).
    9. Rest Break (Unpaid): The name of the unpaid rest break with 3 sub-columns (Start Time, End Time and Duration).


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