Back Office: Enterprise - Central Kitchen

Back Office: Enterprise - Central Kitchen

  1. Sign into the Back Office.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Enterprise. On the Enterprise page, click Central Inventory then select Central Kitchen.

  3. The main Central Kitchen page contains tiles of existing kitchen - with a Search option, a Sort By dropdown, and a + Central Kitchen button.

Creating a New Kitchen (or Updating an Existing Kitchen)
Click + Central Kitchen to create a new Kitchen (or the Edit [Pencil] icon on an existing Kitchen). The New/Update Central Kitchen pane appears.

  1. Name – (Mandatory) Maximum of 25 characters.
  2. Description – To help identify the kitchen. No maximum number of characters.
  3. Phone Number – (Mandatory) Only numbers are allowed.
  4. Email – The user’s Email Address. Must be valid ([address]@[website].[com/org/etc.]).
  5. Address Line 1 – The number and street name of the store’s location.
  6. Address Line 2 – Any Unit Suite / etc. # for the address.
  7. State – The State of the store’s address.
  8. City – The City of the store’s address.
  9. Zip Code – The Zip Code of the store’s address. Must be between 4 and 15 characters.
  10. Time Zone – Select the time zone of the store’s address from the dropdown (type in the Search bar to find it more quickly).
  11. Type – Select Restaurant or Retail from the dropdown.
  12. Copy Menu From Existing Store toggle (not available for an existing Kitchen):
    1. If Disabled (set to NO), the menu will not be copied from any store.
    2. If Enabled (set to YES), select a store (from the options under the Enterprise Account) from the dropdown. Data will copied from the selected store, and Inventory settings will be based on the Weighted Average.

  13. Click Save (or Update when updating an existing Kitchen). You are returned to the main Central Kitchen page, and the confirmation banner appears at the top-right.
    1. Save – ‘Central Kitchen Saved successfully. Please check back in a few minutes!’.
    2. Update – ‘Central Kitchen Updated successfully.’
Changing and/or Viewing the Settings of an Existing Kitchen

Click the tile of an existing Kitchen on the main Central Kitchen page. The Kitchen’s page appears.

  1. Note: Do NOT click the Edit (Pencil) button.

  2. Total Value On Hand = Sum of On Hand Values of Category + Sub Category.

  3. Low Stock – Click the Low Stock dropdown to show the Items currently experiencing low stock (based on Min Quantity and Available Quantity). Click View Details to view the Low Stock page with the Inventory and Sub Recipe tabs.

  4. Inventory Tab - View each vendor’s low stock details in table format. A new Purchase Order can be created for a vendor by clicking the Create Purchase Order within the vendor’s section.
    1. The table for each vendor will have the following columns:
      1. Name: The name of the inventory item will be shown.
      2. Type: The type of item (InventoryRetail or Menu).
      3. Min Quantity: The minimum required quantity for the product.
      4. Available Quantity: The current available quantity for the product.
      5. Inventory UnitThe measurement of a single quantity amount.

    1. Select the Create Purchase Order button, and the New Purchase Order page appears:
      1. Vendor: (Mandatory) Auto-populates based on which Vendor’s table the button was clicked.
      2. Place Order Via: (Mandatory) How the PO will be communicated (Print [Default] or Email).
      3. Date: (Mandatory) The date to be placed on the PO, auto-populated as the current date.
      4. Vendor Address: Auto-populates based on which Vendor’s table the button was clicked.
      5. Ship To: The ship to address will be the store address registered under the store information.
      6. Items to be Ordered Table: displays the vendor’s inventory items, with the following columns:
        1. Item: Select an item from the dropdown. When an item is selected, the corresponding SKU, BrandQuantity and Price will be auto-updated as needed.
        2. SKU Code: The selected item’s SKU Code will be displayed.
        3. Brand: The brand name entered in the vendor fields will be shown in this column
        4. Quantity: Default value appears. Enter a new value or use ▲▼ to increase/decrease the value.
        5. Unit Price: Previously defined when the item was created (cannot be altered or changed).
        6. Price: Auto-populated based on the formula Quantity * Unit Price.

      7. Total: The sum of all Price values.
      8. Note: Click + Add Inventory Item to add an item to the PO. Click Delete (trash can icon) at the end of a row, then click Delete again on the pop-up that appears, to remove the item from the PO.

    2. Click the Place Order button at the top-right, and the print screen for the produced PO appears. It includes the information as set on the New Purchase Order screen.

    1. Sub Recipe Tab - View each Sub Recipe’s low stock details in table format, with the following columns:
      1. Name: The name of the Sub Recipe.
      2. Min Quantity: The needed minimum quantity of the item.
      3. Available Quantity: The current available quantity of the item.
      4. Inventory UnitThe measurement of a single quantity amount.

    1. Click Prepare Sub Recipe to add a new sub recipe. The Prepare Sub Recipe pane appears.
      1. General
        1. Sub Recipe – (Mandatory) select the Sub Recipe from the dropdown (you can use the Search bar to find the desired Sub Recipe more quickly).
        2. Quantity – Enter the desired amount.
      2. Storage
        1. Primary Storage – (Mandatory) Auto-populated with what was selected during creation of the inventory item. If necessary, select another Primary Storage from the dropdown (you can use the Search bar to find the desired Primary Storage more quickly).
        2. Secondary Storage: Storage created storage location will be displayed in the drop down.
    2. Click Save to create the new Sub Recipe. You’re returned to the Low Stock page with Sub Recipe tab, and the ‘Sub recipe saved successfully’ pop-up appear.
      1. Click Cancel to cancel the creation of the Sub Recipe and return to the Sub Recipe tab.

    1. General – The following inventory related options appear under this section:
      1. Ingredient Categories – You are taken to the Inventory > Category page.
      2. Ingredient Sub-Categories – You are taken to the Inventory > Subcategory page.
      3. Storage Locations – See the Inventory > Storage Locations page.
      4. Vendors – See the Inventory > Vendors page.
      5.  In House Units – See the Inventory > In House Units page.
      6. Inventory Items – See the Inventory > Inventory Item page.
      7. Sub Recipe – See the Inventory > Sub Recipe page.
      8. Adjust Inventory Reasons – See the Inventory > Adjust Inventory Reasons page.
      9. Adjust Inventory – See the Inventory > Adjust Inventory page.
      10. Low Stock – See the Inventory > Low Stock page.

    2. Purchases
      1. Purchase Templates – See the Inventory > Purchases > Purchase Template page.
      2. Purchase Orders – See the Inventory > Purchases > Purchase Orders page.
      3. Receive Inventory Item – See the Inventory > Purchases > Received Items page.

    3. Production
      1. Prepare Sub Recipe – See the Inventory > Prepare Sub Recipe page.

    4. Transfer
      1. Transfer - See the Inventory > Transfer Requests page
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