Back Office: Enterprise - Central Warehouse

Back Office: Enterprise - Central Warehouse

  1. Sign into the Back Office.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Enterprise. Click Central Inventory then select Central Warehouse.

  3. The main Central Warehouse page contains tiles of existing warehouses, with a Search option, a Sort By dropdown, and a + Central Warehouse button.

Creating a New Warehouse, or Updating an Existing Warehouse
  1. Click + Central Warehouse to create a new Warehouse (or the Edit [Pencil] icon on an existing Warehouse). The New/Update Central Warehouse pane appears.

  2. Name – (Mandatory) Maximum of 25 characters.
  3. Description – To help identify the warehouse. No maximum number of characters.
  4. Phone Number – Only numbers are allowed.
  5. Email – The user’s Email Address. Must be valid ([address]@[website].[com/org/etc.]).

  6. Address Line 1 – The number and street name of the store’s location.
  7. Address Line 2 – Any Unit / Suite / etc. # for the address.
  8. State – The State of the store’s address.
  9. City – The City of the store’s address.
  10. Zip Code – The State of the store’s address. Minimum of 4 and maximum of 15 characters.
  11. Time Zone – Select the time zone of the store’s address from the dropdown (type in the Search bar to find it more quickly).
  12. Type – Select Restaurant or Retail from the dropdown.

  13. Copy Menu From Existing Store toggle (not available when updating an existing Warehouse):

    1. If Disabled (set to NO), the menu will not be copied from any store.
    2. If Enabled (set to YES), select a Store (from the options under the Enterprise Account) from the dropdown. Data will copied from the selected Store, and Inventory settings will be based on the Weighted Average.

  14. Click Save (or Update when updating an existing Warehouse). You are returned to the main Central Warehouse page, and the confirmation banner appears at the top-right.
    1. Save – ‘Central Warehouse Saved successfully. Please check back in a few minutes!’.
    2. Update – ‘Central Warehouse Updated successfully.’

Changing and/or Viewing the Settings of an Existing Warehouse (Create Purchase Order or Sub Recipe)
On the main Central Warehouse page, click the tile of an existing Warehouse.
  1. Note: Do NOT click the Edit (Pencil) button.

  2. Total Value on Hand = Sum of On Hand values of Category + Sub Category.

  3. Low Stock – Click the Low Stock dropdown to show the Items currently experiencing low stock (based on Min Quantity and Available Quantity). Click View Details to view the Low Stock page with the Inventory and Sub Recipe tabs.


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