Sale Report dashboard contains reporting of sales broken down by the
name of each tab: Departments, Categories, Sub Categories,
Menu Items, Modifiers, Hourly Sales, Daily Sales, Sale
Recap (most recent business day), Cashier Out (most recent business
day), Weekly Summary, Sale Summary, Enterprise Detailed Report
(can only be viewed via Export to Email), and Online Sales.
reporting tab allows for filtering by various settings - including individual Stores,
Departments, Categories, Sub Categories, Menu Items,
etc. and to narrow the results by various Time Periods.
reports include graphs representing Top Sales, Sales By Hour, and
a more detailed table view of the data that allows for exporting.

If a Split By… box is selected before Apply is clicked, more detailed information will be displayed – broken down by the identified value in the field. The below example is Split By MenuItem from the Categories tab.

For the Sub Categories tab: if the Detailed View box is selected before Apply is clicked, it provides a more detailed breakdown of each listed Sub Category result.

On the Hourly Sale report, if a + sign is clicked next to a Time, it’s expanded to show the sales during that hour, broken down by Server. Click the Time again to collapse the row and show the + again.