Back Office: Enterprise Settings - Account

Back Office: Enterprise Settings - Account

  1. Sign into the Back Office.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Enterprise, then click Settings.

  3. Under the Enterprise Settings section:
    1. Account Users – Additional users who would be granted access to all Stores and Enterprise settings.
    2. Account LicensesStore licenses for the respective account will be displayed along with option to reset the license.
    3. Account License SettingsStore licenses on the Account can be configured for functionality.
Account Users

  1. To create a new User on the Account, click + New Account User at the top-right. The New Account User page appears.
    1. To Edit an existing User, click the corresponding ••• followed by Edit. The Update Account User page appears.
    2. To Delete an existing User, click the ••• followed by Delete. The Delete pop-up appears. Click Delete to confirm.

  2. On the New / Update Account User screen:

    1. General
      1. Enter the First and Last Names.
        1. Optional: Select the Gender from the dropdown, then the Date Of Birth (calendar).
      2. Enter the Phone Number (optional), then the Email Address.
      3. Select the Language from the dropdown, then select the Date Of Joining (optional).
        1. Optional: Add a Photo by clicking the Upload New Image button and selecting the photo.

    2. Password Create a Password for the User, then re-enter it in Confirm Password.
      1. A Password must Include: between 6 and 12 characters, at least 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase character, 1 number, and 1 special character.
      2. Note: If you need to reset a User’s Password, click the corresponding ••• for the Account User, then click Reset Password. After entering the New Password and re-entering in Confirm Password, click Authenticate.

    3. Store Access
      1. Select the Store(s) the User will have access to in the dropdown.
      2. Select whether the User should have a POS Login. If YES, enter their unique PIN Number (minimum 4 digits) and what will be their Initial Screen (the first screen they see upon logging in to the POS).
      3. For each Store: select whether the User will be Required to Clock In, then select the Roles they’ll be able to Clock In as from the dropdown.

    4. Address Enter the Address: Line 1 (Address Number and Street), Apt, Suite, etc. (optional), City, State, and Zip Code.

    5. Enterprise Access Select whether to grant the User access to Central Kitchens and Central Warehouses. If Yes, then for each Kitchen/Warehouse slide the corresponding toggle to the right (on) to Allow Access. To select all the Kitchens/Warehouses, click Select All.

    6. Customization If Yes, enter the Rename Sub Recipe and the Rename Prepare Sub Recipe.

Account Licenses
You can view the statuses of each License on the Account, sorting by Node ID, Store, Device Type, Device Name, and timestamps for Login, Accessing, and Sync. You can sign out a device by clicking Sign Out.

Account License Settings
Set the functionality of Licenses while logged in to each Store. There are toggles available for each type of functionality, with the maximum number of stores allowed for the functionality above. After updating toggle settings, click Save at the top-right.


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