Back Office: Enterprise Settings - Addons

Back Office: Enterprise Settings - Addons

  1. Sign into the Back Office.
  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Enterprise. Then click Settings.
  3. On the Settings page, under Addons:

On the Loyalty Settings page:

Loyalty Settings Tab
Select whether to Enable Loyalty. If Yes:
  1. Select the Loyalty Currency (Stars [Recommended], PointsCoinsGold, or Silver)
  2. Enter your Accumulation settings for Points Earned. Type the amount(s) or use ▲/▼ to increase/decrease the value.
    1. At Sign Up
    2. For Each Visit
    3. Cash vs Non-Cash Payments – Enter the Points per Amount Spent.
  3. Menu Item Based – To add a Menu Item, click + Menu Item. Select the Menu Item from the dropdown, followed by the Min(imum) Quantity to activate points then the Earning Points. To Delete one, click the Trash Can icon then click Delete to confirm.

  4. Category / Sub-Category - To add a Category / Sub-Category, click + Category / Sub-Category. Select the Category / Sub-Category from the dropdown, followed by the Min(imum) Quantity to activate points then the Earning Points. To Delete one, click the Trash Can icon then click Delete to confirm.

  5. Redemption – Select whether Customers will redeem rewards via Points Based or Items Based.

    1. Points Based

      1. Enter the Value of Redeeming Points.
      2. Enter the Value of Minimum Required Points.

    2. Items Based
      1. Click + Add Offer to enter a new Point redemption option.
        1. To Delete one, click the Trash Can icon then click Delete to confirm.
      2. Select the Discount Name from the dropdown. Use the Search bar to find an Item.
      3. Enter the amount of Points needed to redeem the Item offer.
      4. Enter the Redemption Value of every point earned (in Dollars).
      5. Enter the Minimum Required Points to enable Redemption.

SMS Loyalty Settings Tab
  1. Enter the Message to Invite a Customer to join the Loyalty Program.
  2. Enter the Message to request the Customer’s Email Address to confirm joining.
  3. Enter the Message to send Thanks to the Customer.

Developer API Key

Copy the API key for developers, or Generate a New API Key.

CDS Advertisement
  1. To create a new Advertisement, click + Advertisement at the top-right. The New Advertisement pane appears.
    1. To Edit an existing Advertisement, click the corresponding Pencil icon. The pane to Create/Edit the Advertisement appears.
  2. Enter the Ad Name.
  3. Select the Availability:

    1. Always – The Ad will always be available.

    2. Days Of Week – Select the Days when the Ad will be available. If there’s any Restriction Time, select Yes then enter the Start and End Times. Select the Level (Stores or Groups) then select the Store(s) from the dropdown.

    3. Days Of Month – Select the Days of a Month the Ad will be available. If there’s any Restriction Months select Yes then select the Months the ad should not be available. If there’s any Restriction Time select Yes then Start and End Time during the day the ad should not be available.

    4. Date Range – Select the Start and End Dates the Ad should be available. If there’s any Restriction Days select Yes then select the Days the ad should not be available. If there’s any Restriction Time select Yes then Start and End Time during the day the ad should not be available.

    5. Specific Date – Select the specific Date the Ad should be available. If there’s any Restriction Time select Yes then Start and End Time during the day the ad should not be available.

    6. Date Range with Time – Select the Start and End Dates the Ad should be available. Select the Start and End Times during those Days the Ad should be available. If there’s any Available or Restriction Days – or Restriction Times – select Yes, then select the appropriate Days/Times.

  4. Select the Level (Stores or Groups) then select the Store(s) from the dropdown.
  5. Banner – The image to represent the Ad. Click the Upload New Image button.
  6. When ready, click Save to create the new Ad (or Update for an existing Ad).

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