Back Office: Enterprise - Transfer Request

Back Office: Enterprise - Transfer Request

  1. Sign into the Back Office.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Enterprise. On the Enterprise page, click Central Inventory then select Transfer Request.

  3. The Transfer Requests page contains a table of Inventory Items transferred from one store to another, with options for Columns and Pagination.

    1. Columns Select the button to display a dropdown to select/deselect the table’s columns to view. Select the corresponding checkbox to view the column - or deselect to hide it. The Select All box (default) selects and displays all columns.

    2. Pagination (records organized by 10 per page, with options for 20, 50 and 100).

    3. The Transfer Requests table contains the following columns:
      1. Source – The name of the Store from which the item was transferred. The source name will be which user has been logged by default. The original store from which the items have been sent will be shown into this column.
      2. Destination – The store to which the inventory item was transferred.
      3. Status – The Status of the transfer request (Request Completed, Request Processed, or Request Sent).
      4. Date Placed – The Date the transfer request was placed (DD-MMM-YYYY).
      5. Actions – Two icons options are shown:
        1. Circle with diagonal line (X) – Reject the corresponding Transfer Request.
        2. Checkmark (P) – Approve the Transfer Request, to be completed.

  4. Click the + New Transfer Request button at the top right to create a new Transfer Request. The New Transfer Request pane appears.

    1. Type – Select Restaurant or Retail
    2. Source – Select the Source store from which the inventory item can be transferred. A dropdown will be shown, the store can be selected & Only one store can be selected. Upon selecting a Source, the add inventory field will be activated.
    3. Destination – Select the Destination store to which the Transfer Request is being made and will be the logged-in Store by default.
    4. + Add Inventory Item – A new Inventory Item row appears with the following fields (you cannot add an Inventory Item unless the Destination is selected).
      1. Item – Select an item from the inventory of the Source store.
      2. Item Type – Will auto-populate based on the Item selection (cannot be edited).
      3. Available Qty – Will auto-populate based on the Item selection (cannot be edited).
      4. Request Qty – Enter the number of items requested to be transferred (type the value or click ▲/▼ to increase/decrease the value – a maximum of 4 decimal places).
      5. Inventory Unit – The unit set in the inventory item will be shown here by default.

        1. Click Delete (trash can icon) to remove an Inventory Item from the Transfer Request. The Delete confirmation pop-up appears with Cancel and Delete options. Select Delete to confirm removing the Item from the Request, with the ‘Inventory Item deleted successfully’ message appearing. Select Cancel to keep the Item on the Request. Upon clicking Cancel, the pop-up will be closed.

  5. Once satisfied with everything in the request, click Request to finalize and submit the Request. You are returned to the main Transfer Requests screen, where the ‘Transfer request created successfully’ confirmation pop-up appears at the upper-right.
    1. Click Cancel to cancel creation of the Request and return to the main screen.

  6. The existing request appears in the table with a Status of Request Received.

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