Back Office: General Application Settings

Back Office: General Application Settings

  1. Sign into the Back Office and select a Store.
  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, under Application click General Settings.

  4. On the General Settings page, the following features can be set:

    1. Prompt Tip Screen before Credit Card Screen - This option is for adding tip while using Credit Card. If Enabled (YES), the customer can add a tip when using a Credit Card. If Disabled (NO), adding a tip won’t be available for Credit Card.

    2. Enable Intranet sync - If Enabled (YES, and then Confirmed [YES again]), it will allow the systems to communicate via local network connection including printing while in Offline mode, and a Preferred Network connection is required.

      1. Preferred Network – If Intranet Sync is Enabled, enter the Preferred Network Name.

    1. Enable Pre Auth - If Enabled (YES), a Pre Auth(orized) Amount can be entered. If not, a Pre Auth Amount won’t be available.

    2. Enable Extended Pre Auth - If Enabled (YES), the system will prompt to pay the excess amount on the Bar Tab and will charge the entered Amount. If not, the prompt will not appear.
      1. Note: The Quick Bar MUST be disabled.

    3. Disable Gift Card Tip - If Enabled (YES), adding a tip WILL NOT be available when using a Gift Card. If Disabled (NO), it will be available.

    4. Employee Tip Out Deducted from Cash Expected on Reports - If Enabled (YES), the Employee Tip will be deducted from the Cash Expected payments taken by a Server - the server then leaves with those Tips. If not, the Server still gives the Cash Expected and their Tips are usually added onto their paycheck.

    5. Enable Gratuity Line in Credit Card Screen - If Enabled (YES), a gratuity line will be added on the payment screen when paying by Credit Card (CC). If Disabled (NO), the gratuity line will not appear when paying by CC.

    6. Disable Customer Nationality - If Enabled (YES), the customer’s nationality WILL NOT appear on their profile. If Disabled (NO), it WILL appear.

    7. Require Tax ID on Exempt Transaction - If Enabled (YES), the system will include a Tax Exempt ID field prompt to perform a tax exemption. If Disabled (NO), the field will NOT appear.

    8. Do Not Reset Check Number’s Daily - If Enabled (YES), the check numbers will NOT reset at the end of the day. If Disabled (NO), they WILL reset at the end of the day. Any changes will reflect when the user signs out then in again on EACH terminal.

    9. Auto Log Off – Set the amount of time (in seconds) before the system automatically logs a user off: from a minimum of 5 seconds to 3600 seconds (60 minutes [1 Hour]). The default time is 1800 seconds (30 minutes [.5 hr]).

    10. Auto Log Off – Set the amount of time (in seconds) before the system automatically logs a user off: from a minimum of 5 seconds to 3600 seconds (60 minutes [1 Hour]). The default time is 1800 seconds (30 minutes [.5 hr]).

    11. Table Expiration Time – Set the amount of Minutes that denotes that the average time of a table stay has passed, and is used to determine if a Table is staying too long. The system will change the table color to reflect that the expiration time has been met.

    12. Custom Split Button Action – Enables a split Check in the POS, based on the selection.

    13. Auto Generate House Account Number - If Enabled (YES), the system will generate the House Account Number which will not be editable. If Disabled (NO), it will not generate the number.

    14. Auto Print Close Day Report - If Enabled (YES), the report will automatically print when the User/Manager closes the day. If Disabled (NO), it won’t auto print.

    15. Log In/Clock In Via – Enable users to Log / Clock In via Pin (Default) and/or Face ID.

    16. Check Owner – Select the name to fill in the Check Owner field, either the Closer or Creator of the Check.

    17. Tip Settings – Set a pre-defined Tip recommendation on printed receipts, as an Amount or Percentage.
      1. Amount - The entered value should be based on the store’s currency set in (Example: in the US it should be in $ (USD) and if it’s in India it should be INR (Rupees).
      2. Percentage – The entered percentage (%) amount should not be greater than 100.

    18. Floating Tab – Enter a name, that can be renamed as needed (traditionally named Bar Tab). The name will appear in POS and can’t exceed 15 characters.

    19. POS Custom Button - If Pre Auth is Enabled (YES), it can be selected as 1 of the 6 fields in the POS Custom URL. If Pre Auth is selected as a Custom Button, the same will be displayed only in Bar Tab and other service types will show the Modify button. When we set Pre Auth as a POS Custom Button and when we disable Pre Auth, the Pre Auth selected as Default should be changed to Modify. If Disabled (NO), Pre Auth should not be shown on the dropdown.

    20. Hide Seat Number in Kitchen Print – When a Kitchen Print is generated, the number of seats associated with the selected Order Type(s) will be hidden when sent to the Kitchen.

    21. Membership Auto Renewal - If Enabled (YES), a Membership can be auto renewed. If Disabled (NO), it cannot be auto renewed.

    22. Store Level Customer - If Enabled (YES), when a store is selected only the store’s exclusive customers will be included in the selection. If Disabled (NO), the selected store will include all customers from the Franchise.

    23. Time Format – Select how the Time will be displayed in the POS.
      1. 12 Hours: 12-hour format will be followed (Example: an hour after noon is 1:00).
      2. 24 Hours: 24-hour format will be followed (Example: an hour after noon is 13:00).

    24. Date Format – Select the format the date appears, with Default as the preferred option.
      1. MM-DD-YYYY: places month before day (Example: Oct 31st, 2001 is 10/31/2001).
      2. DD-MM-YYYY: places day before month (Example: Oct 31st, 2001 is 31/10/2001).

    25. Tip Suggestion Credit Card Receipt - When Yes, For the particular sale a suggested tip to be shown in the bottom of the receipt. When No, it will not show.

    26. Enable Age Restriction – If Disabled (NO), there will be no Age Restriction. If Enabled (YES), an Age Restriction will be set for specific Categories, Sub Categories, or Items on the Menu.

      1. Set the Minimum Age Limit (in years [Example: 21]), by entering the number or using ▲▼ to raise or lower the numeric value by 1.

      2. Enter the Age Alert Message that appears if a customer enters an Age below the Limit.
        1. Example: ‘The DOB is not met, the item will be deleted from the cart.’

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