Back Office: Inventory - Menu Items
into the Back Office.
On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Inventory
then Inventory Menu Items.

Inventory Menu Items page appears, which displays a tab containing All
items then additional tabs for the items that are Linked and Unlinked.
On this page, you can link the Inventory Items and Sub Recipes to the Menu Items. You can also define how much Quantity or Inventory Item, Sub Recipe and Modifiers we use to make the menu item. The Linking Status appears above the table. There are two fields at the
top identifying the selected Item.

3 tabs display the table which contains the following columns:
Name: The
name of the menu item.
Price: (Mandatory)
displayed based on the menu item price (not editable).
Status: The status of the menu item (Linked or Unlinked).
Actions: Contains
the Link Menu Item button.
Linking a Menu Item
the corresponding Link Menu Item button of a Menu Item.
Example: we’re going to link Fries with inventory item

Link Menu Item pane appears.
Name: The name of the
selected Menu Item here.
Cost Type: The Cost Type such as Fixed or Variable
(not editable, selected when creating the Menu Item).
- It’s
broken down by Serving Size tabs (selected when creating the Menu Item), then sub-tabs for Ingredients and Modifiers.
The Ingredients tab has 3 options for adding to the recipe:
Inventory Item – Select + Add Inventory Item. A new row with the following fields appears:

Level – Select
either Category or Sub Category from the dropdown.
If Category, select the Category from the dropdown that
If Sub Category, select the Category along with its
relevant Sub Category from the dropdowns that appear.
Item – Select
the Inventory Item from the dropdown.
Unit – The options for the Recipe Unit selection will be based on the
Item selection.
Example: If the Item selected is Milk, then the Recipe Unit
could be Pint or Gallon.
Price – This will be displayed based on the selected Item and is not
Quantity – Enter
the desired Quantity. The Cost (to the right) will auto-populate
based on this value.
Cost – Displays the
total Cost, which is auto-populated based on the established Unit
Price and the entered Quantity. It is not editable.
The Delete (trash can) appears at
the end of an item’s row. When clicked, the Delete pop-up appears.
Select Delete to confirm deletion of the Item, or X Close / Cancel
to keep the item.
Sub-Recipe - Select + Add Sub-Recipe. A new row with the following fields appears:
Item – Select the Inventory Item from the dropdown.
Recipe Unit – The options for the Recipe
Unit selection will be based on the Item selection.
Example: If the Item selected is Milk, then the Recipe Unit
could be Pint or Gallon.
Unit Price – This will be displayed
based on the selected Item and is not editable.
Quantity – Enter the desired Quantity. The Cost
(to the right) will auto-populate based on this value.
Cost – Displays the total Cost, which is auto-populated based on the
established Unit Price and the entered Quantity. It is not
The Delete (trash can) appears at
the end of an item’s row. When clicked, the Delete pop-up appears.
Select Delete to confirm deletion of the Item, or X Close / Cancel
to keep the item.
Manual Entry - Select + Manual Entry. A new row with the following fields appears:
Manual Entry – Enter the name of
the Item. Maximum of 25 characters.
Price: This will be displayed based on the inventory item screen and it is non-editable.
This is the price of the single quantity.
Quantity – Enter
the desired Quantity. The Cost (to the right) will auto-populate
based on this value.
Cost – Displays the
total Cost, which is auto-populated based on the established Unit
Price and the entered Quantity. It is not editable.
The Delete (trash can) appears at the
end of an item’s row. When clicked, the Delete pop-up appears. Select Delete
to confirm deletion of the Item, or X Close / Cancel to keep the
Below the Inventory Items, Sub Recipes
and Manual Entry, the view the Total values appear for each,
followed by Total Cost and the item’s Menu Price.

a Menu Item has modifiers, you will be able to select the Modifier
tab next to the Ingredient tab and view all the modifiers currently
attached to this Menu Item, along with their prefixes.
Recipe Unit – The
recipe unit will be listed in the drop-down list.
Unit Price – The
price will be displayed here based on the recipe unit selection. If it is
weighted average store, then the wt. avg. price column will be displayed or if
it is latest unit price store, then the price per unit column will be
Quantity – Enter
the Quantity of the Modifier here. If Cut & Modify
toggle is enabled then Quantity will be broken down (1/2, 1/3, 1/4) will
be listed.
Finally, the Total Cost will be displayed incase only Quantity is mentioned along with its Total Cost. When the Cut and Modify toggle is enabled (set to YES), then the Total Cost ½, Total Cost 1/3, Total Cost ¼ will appear.
When ready to save the Item, click Save. The
item’s settings will be saved and the ‘Item Saved successfully’ confirmation
message appears.
Click X Close
at the upper right or Cancel at the bottom left of the pane to close
without saving changes.
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