Download Template
the + Download Template button to download the Template (AdjustInventoryItem.xlsx)
containing data of Items or Sub Recipes.
Tip: Remember where the template file is saved to
make uploading the updated file easier.

any info as needed, then save the file and upload by clicking Upload Inventory Count.
Navigate to where the saved file is located, then double-click the file (or click
then select Open).

Bulk Adjustment
When the + Bulk Adjustment button is selected, the table view is replaced with a new table containing the following
Item Tab or Retail
Item Tab
Name –
The Name of the adjust inventory Item.
Vendor Name – Vendor name of the item or sub recipe of the adjust inventory.
Brand – The brand
name of the vendor.
Inventory Count – The corresponding amount of inventory for the Item.
Reason – A dropdown containing the created Adjust Inventory
reasons. It is filled in with a temporary greyed out Select Reason by default.
Available – Can be filled in only after a corresponding Reason is selected. Enter
the Amount (you can use ▲/▼ to increase/decrease the amount).
Unit – The
item’s unit of measurement (Grams, KG, each, etc.).
Notes – Any notes about the
adjustment can be added here.

Name – The Name of the adjust inventory Sub Recipe.
Inventory Count – The
corresponding amount of inventory for the Sub Recipe.
– A dropdown containing the created Adjust
Inventory reasons. It is filled in with a temporary greyed out Select Reason by default.
Available – Can be filled in only after a
corresponding Reason is selected. Enter the Amount (you can use ▲/▼ to
increase/decrease the amount).
Unit – The
item’s unit of measurement (Grams, KG, each, etc.).
Notes – Any notes about the
adjustment can be added here.

the <- button at the upper-left next to Bulk Adjust
Inventory to return to the main Adjust Inventory screen without
applying updates.

Inventory Item Tune (Edit)
Under the Actions columns, select
the Tune (Edit) button.

The Adjust Inventory pane appears with
fields filled in based on information from the selected row. Buttons for Update
and Cancel appear at the bottom.

All fields – except for General and Vendor
Name – can be edited.
Name – The Name of the Inventory Item.
Reason Type – (Mandatory) Select the reason
type (created from the Adjust Inventory Reason screen) from the dropdown.
No other updates can be made until a Reason Type is selected.
Vendor and Count – The name of the
Vendor appears, and the Count (amount) can be updated.
Adjustment Notes – Type any relevant notes
for the Inventory Item.
– The button will be disabled (greyed out) until Reason Type and
other fields are edited. When enabled and selected, you’re returned to the main
Adjust Inventory screen and the message ‘Stock adjusted successfully’ appears
at the top-right.
Select Cancel / Close to return to the main Adjust
Inventory screen without making updates.

Sub-Recipe Item Tune (Edit)
the Actions columns, select the Tune (Edit) button.

The Adjust Inventory pane appears with
fields filled in based on information from the selected row. Buttons for Update
and Cancel appear at the bottom.

All fields – except for General and Vendor
Name – can be edited.
Name – The Name of the Sub-Recipe Item
(cannot be edited).
Reason Type – (Mandatory) Select the reason
type (created from the Adjust Inventory Reason screen) from the dropdown.
No other updates can be made until a Reason Type is selected.
Existing Inventory Count – The
quantity of the sub-recipe inventory item (can be updated).
Adjustment Notes – Type any relevant notes
for the Sub-Recipe Item.
Update – The button will be disabled (greyed
out) until Reason Type and other fields are edited. When enabled and selected,
you’re returned to the main Adjust Inventory screen and the message ‘Stock
adjusted successfully’ appears at the top-right.
Select Cancel / Close to return to the
main Adjust Inventory screen without making updates.