Back Office: Inventory - Inventory Item

Back Office: Inventory - Inventory Item

  1. Sign into the Back Office.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Inventory then Inventory Item.

  3. The Inventory Item page appears, with tabs for Inventory Items and Retail Items – along with a Select Categories dropdown and a Total Value On Hand.
    1. Tip: make sure you have applied settings for the following Inventory pages: Category, Subcategory, Storage Location, Vendors and In House Units.

  4. Actions – Buttons for Edit (pencil) and Delete (trash can).
    1. Delete – The Delete pop-up including the message ‘Are you sure you want to delete this item’ appears, with Cancel and Delete options.

      1. Select Delete and the Inventory Item is sent to Inactive status with a ‘Inventory Item inactivated successfully’ confirmation message appearing.
      2. Select Cancel, and the Inventory Item is kept in Active status.

  1. By default, the button will be set to Active and all Active Inventory Items appear.
    1. Select Active to change to Inactive, and shows deleted Inventory Items appear. If no deleted Inventory Items appear, the message ‘Inventory Item not found’ appears in the body of the table.
    2. Select Inactive to change back to Active. A pop-up appears which shows ‘Are you sure you want to activate this item’ with Cancel and Yes, Activate options.
      1. Yes, Activate: the ‘Inventory Items Activated Successfully’ pop-up appears.
      2. Cancel: the pop-up will be closed.

  1. Inventory Items Tab
    1. Name – Name of the inventory item.
    2. Category – The chosen category for the inventory item.
    3. Par Level – The entered par level for the inventory item.
    4. Purchase Unit – The chosen purchase unit for the inventory item.
    5. Selling Price/Unit – The selling price of the inventory item.
    6. Quantity on Hand – The overall quantity on-hand (Parent and Child).
    7. Cost Per Unit – The value of individual items (Parent and Child).
    8. Value on Hand – The price of the stock available.

Creating a New Inventory Item (or Editing an Existing Inventory Item).
  1. Create a new Inventory Item by clicking the pink + New Inventory Item button at the top-right (or click the corresponding Edit [pencil] of an existing Inventory Item).

  2. The New Inventory Item (or Update Inventory Item) pane appears.
    1. For the New Inventory Item pane, the banner message appears at the top: ‘Once the Inventory Item is created the user will not be able to Edit the Purchase Unit & Inventory Unit. In case you want to change, delete the Inventory Item & recreate the same.’.
    2. The Save / Update buttons will not be enabled until all Mandatory fields are entered.

Basic Details - General
  1. Name – (Mandatory) Enter the name of the inventory item. Maximum of 25 characters.

  2. Inventory Unit – (Mandatory) Select the Inventory Unit from the dropdown (Active In House Units configured from Inventory > In House Units).
    1. When chosen, the Unit appears for Par Level field and Inventory Unit column.

  3. Par Level – Enter the par level (with Inventory Unit labeling).
    1. If an Item goes below the Par Level, you will get a Low Stock notification.

  4. Calculate COGS On Cost Price – Toggle to Disable (NO, Default) or Enable (YES). If Enabled, the cost of goods sold (COGs) will be calculated based on the cost price itself. If  Disabled, COGS will calculate based on Purchased Price (selling price).

  5. Select Category or Sub Category (Mandatory).
    1. Category – Select the Category from the dropdown (configured in Ingredient Categories).
    2. Sub-Category – Select the Category then the Sub Category from the dropdowns (configured in Ingredient Categories and Sub Categories).

Basic Details – Storage
  1. Primary Storage – (Mandatory) Select the primary storage from the dropdown (from options created in Inventory > Storage Location).
    1. Click + Add Primary Storage to create a new Primary Storage via the New Storage Location pane (enter the Name [Mandatory, max 25 characters] and Description [max 150 characters]).
  2. Secondary Storage – (Mandatory) Select the secondary storage from the dropdown (from options created in Inventory > Storage Location).
    1. Click + Add Secondary Storage to create a new Secondary Storage via the New Storage Location pane (enter the Name [Mandatory, max 25 characters] and Description [max 150 characters]).
  3. Tracking – Select the type of tracking for the inventory item (No TrackingBy Serial Number or By Lot Number). Based on this tracking, the expired purchase item section will work and wastage also will be tracked.

Basic Details – Recipe Units: Create multiple Recipe Units for a single Inventory Item. The table contains columns for the following:
  1. Inventory Unit – Based on the previously selected Inventory Unit next to Name.
  2. Recipe Unit – Select the Recipe Unit from the dropdown list which is already linked with the Inventory Unit. The formula appears above the table: Recipe Unit = Price Per Unit / (Purchase Unit Multiplier * Recipe Unit Multiplier)
  3. Recipe Quantity – Enter the quantity for the recipe unit.
  4. Recipe Price – Populated based on the formula = [Weighted Average / Latest Unit Price] - and the amount can be updated if needed.
  1. Select + Add Recipe Unit to add a new row to the table.
  2. When ready, select Save / Update. Upon clicking this option, the changes will be saved.

Vendor – If there are no existing Vendors, the following instructions appear:
Modifiers are groups of items that are assigned to a product or category to
add more details on an order
Click +Add Vendor to attach new vendor.

Select + Add Vendor to create a new Vendor tab (with an x next to the name to delete the vendor). Multiple Vendors can be added.

  1. The button at the upper-right of each tab indicates whether the Vendor is Active or Inactive. Select the button to change it to the other status.

  1. Vendor – (Mandatory) Select the Vendor from the dropdown (created in Inventory > Vendor).
  2. Brand Name – Enter the name of the brand (maximum of 25 characters).
  3. SKU/Bar Code – Enter the SKU/Bar Code (same as Back Office design, maximum of 50 characters).

Purchase Unit – (Mandatory) Select the Purchase Unit, which will reflect in the auto-populated Quantity based on the selected Inventory Unit.
  1. Example: Purchase Unit US Quart = 0.25 Inventory Unit Gallon.

  1. Quantity – (Mandatory) Enter the purchase unit multiplier.
  2. Price – (Mandatory) Enter the total Price.
  3. Yield – (Mandatory) The default percentage (%) is 100 but can be updated (between 1 - 100).
  4. Price / Unit – (Mandatory) Auto-calculated based on the formula = Quantity / Price.

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