Back Office: Inventory - Low Stock
- Sign
into the Back Office then select a Store.
- On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Inventory
then Low Stock.

Low Stock page appears, which is broken down into Inventory (default view) and Sub Recipe
tabs. It will
show all the inventory items/sub recipe that are below the Par Level. Here you
can also make purchase orders for all the Items that are Low in Stock. The
system will automatically sort all the Low Stock Items by Vendors.
Inventory Tab
a view of each vendor’s low stock in table format, with the name of the vendor
appearing at the upper-left corner of each table’s section.

- Each vendor’s table contains the following
Name –
The name of the inventory item.
Type – The
type of inventory item (Retail or Menu).
Min Quantity – The needed minimum quantity of the product.
Available Quantity – The quantity on-hand.
Inventory Unit – The unit of measure for the inventory item.
A new Purchase Order can be created by clicking
the Create Purchase Order button. The New Purchase Order page
appears, containing the following fields:
Vendor –
Will be pre-populated by the corresponding name of the vendor.
Date –
Today’s Date.
Place Order Via – Select Print (default) or Email.
If Email, the CC field appears to enter any additional email
addresses in the CC field of the email.

The Vendor Address and Ship To will be pre-populated based on the vendor’s information on file.
Items To Be Ordered – Each item under the vendor currently
experiencing low stock each will have its own row. Update the corresponding Quantity of each item to update the Purchase Order. The row’s Price will
reflect the updated Quantity – along with the Total at the
Sub Recipe Tab
a view of the Sub Recipes currently having low stock.
Name – The name of the Sub
Quantity – The needed Minimum Quantity of the product.
Available Quantity – The Quantity currently on hand.
Inventory Unit – The unit of measure for
the item.

a Sub Recipe
on Prepare Sub Recipe. The Prepare Sub Recipe pane appears.

the Sub Recipe from the dropdown. This will auto-populate the Quantity and Primary Storage, along with the Secondary Storage (if
applicable). All three can be updated if needed.
ready to prep the Sub Recipe, click Save at the bottom-right. You
are returned to the main Low Stock screen, and the ‘Sub recipe
prepared successfully’ banner appears at the upper-right.
Click Cancel / X Close to close
the pane without preparing the Sub Recipe.

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