Back Office: Inventory - Preparation

Back Office: Inventory - Preparation

  1. Sign into the Back Office, then select a Store.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Inventory then Preparation.

  3. The Preparation page appears. Select Prepare Menu Item or Prepare Sub Recipe.

Prepare Menu Item
The page contains existing Menu Items, with tabs for Production (default) and Production Log. This will allow you to prepare menu items or sub recipes in advance.

Example: you can make 10 or 20 donuts in advance and sell them later on. Once you sell out, you can prepare the new Menu Item (donut) again and sell it later. Same with Sub Recipe. You must prepare the Sub Recipe first, then the system will deduct the Quantity of Sub Recipe from its available Quantity on hand.

  1. Production Tab – Displays a table of menu items currently available to be produced, containing the following columns:
    1. Name – Name of the inventory menu item will be shown.
    2. Price – The price of inventory menu item will be shown along with serving size.
    3. Production On Hand – The number of menu items prepared in quantity.
    4. Action – Contains buttons to Add (plus [+] icon) to produce a Menu Item and See History (clock with circular arrow) to view the Production History.
      1. Add – The Produce Menu Item pane appears, where you can Search by PLU Code.
        1. Select the Serving Size and Quantity To Prepare (the Menu Item and Production on Hand are not editable as they’re corresponding to the item).
        2. The corresponding values under Inventory Items / Sub Recipes / Manual Entry will be updated accordingly, along with the Total values at the bottom of the pane.
        3. When ready, click Save at the bottom-right. You are returned to the Production tab of the Prepare Menu Item screen where the item’s corresponding Price and Production On Hand have been updated.
          1. Note: Save will be greyed out until all mandatory fields have been filled in.

          2. Select X Close / Cancel to return to the Production tab without adding a Menu Item.
          3. Note: if you select + Produce Menu Item, you will be able to select the Menu Item and Serving Size from the dropdown, as there won’t initially be a corresponding item.

      2. See History – The Production History is displayed in the form of a table containing the following columns:
        1. Name – The name of the inventory item.
        2. Production Date – The date the Menu Item was created.
        3. Inventory Count – The count of inventory for the item.
        4. Quantity – The quantity entered while creating the menu item.
        5. Latest Unit Price – Cost price of the menu item (set in the Inventory Menu Item).
        6. Action – Contains a button to See History (clock with circular arrow) to view the Preparation History.

  2. Production Log Tab – Displays a table of the production log, after selecting a Consumption Status and Time Period then clicking Apply. The table consists of NameCreated DateInventory CountRequired Quantity and Price.
    1. Consumption Status – Select one of the following inventory item production log statuses: AllNot StartedProgressFinished, or Not Finished.
Prepare Sub Recipe
  1. Name – The name of the sub recipe.
  2. Price – The price value of the sub recipe.
  3. Quantity On Hand – The available quantity of the inventory item.
  4. Actions – Contains a button to Add (plus [+] sign surrounded by a circle) the preparation of the corresponding sub recipe.
  1. Select Add (+) on a corresponding sub recipe. The Prepare Sub Recipe pane appears. All fields will be pre-populated but can be updated (note the desired Quantity - use ▲/▼ or manually enter the value) as needed.
    1. Note: if you select + Prepare Sub Recipe at the top, the same pane will appear but won’t have any pre-populated fields as the button doesn’t correspond to a specific sub recipe.

  2. When ready, click Save at the bottom-right. You are returned to the Prepare Sub Recipe screen where the item’s corresponding Price and Quantity On Hand have been updated, and the ‘Sub recipe prepared successfully’ banner appears at the upper-right. Note that Save will be greyed out until all mandatory fields have been filled in.

    1. Select X Close / Cancel to return to the Production tab without adding a Menu Item.

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