On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Inventory
then Purchases.
Purchases page appears, with sub-page options for Purchase Templates,
Purchase Orders, Purchase Invoices,
Received Items, or Expired Purchase Item.
Purchase Templates
Purchase Orders
Purchase Invoices
Received Items
Expired Purchased Item
Purchase Templates
can save a Template with Vendor details and frequently ordered
items. After that, you can use the Template to make Purchase Orders
in future for those items. The page contains
a table of currently existing Purchase Templates, with the following
Name – The Name of the Menu
Vendors – The selected vendor from
the options assigned under the Store
Actions – A Purchase Order can be placed, or the Purchase Template can be Edited or Deleted.
Select + New Purchase Template to create a new Purchase Template or
click the corresponding three dots (•••) then Edit under Actions to update an existing Purchase Template. The New / Update Purchase
Template pane appears.
Name – (Mandatory) The name of the Purchase Template
Vendor – (Mandatory) Select a Vendor from the dropdown list of registered Vendors.
Address – The selected vendor’s address from the dropdown.
Ship To – The selected Store’s Address, pre-populated
from Store Information.
Items To Be Ordered– Contains a table with columns and the + Add
Inventory Item option. Select it for a new Inventory Item row to
+ Add Inventory Item will not be clickable unless a Vendor was selected
Item – Select an item (registered for the particular vendor) from the dropdown. When
an Item is selected, the Brand, Quantity, Unit Price, Tax, and Total will be
SKU Code – The item’s SKU Code.
Brand – Select from the dropdown if different from the pre-populated value.
Quantity – Enter the desired numeric value and/or select ▲/▼ to increase/decrease the
Price – Previously defined price of the Item (cannot be altered
or changed).
Total = Price (Quantity x Unit Price) + Tax.
Auto-updates based on the entered Quantity.
TOTAL – Below the table, sum of all Total values in the table.
When satisfied with the Purchase Template,
select Save (or Update).
Purchase Orders
On this page, you can place an Order to the Vendor for the items that you want to purchaseSelect the Vendor, Status and Time Period from the dropdowns then select Apply to populate the tablewith the following columns:
Purchase Order ID – The unique ID
Number (generated when the PO was created)
Vendor – The name of the Vendor
Order Date – The Date the PO
was submitted
Status – The PO’sStatus (Placed, Partially Received, Received or Cancelled)
Actions– Options are available:
Print – When selected, the Print screen appears. It displays details
of the created PO: Date (Current
Date), Vendor Name (with address if provided), Ship To address, OrderID, Receive Date (as in expecting date). Placed Order details such as S. no, Barcode/SKU, Name of item, Quantity, Unit Price, Price, Tax, Total, and Total (of
all items on the PO).
Edit(or select + New Purchase Order to create a new Purchase Order). The New / Update Purchase
Order page appears.
Vendor – If a new PO, select from the dropdown. If an existing, it will be greyed out
Date – Select the date the PO was received
Order Via – Select Email or Print
Addressand Ship To – Auto-populated based on the selected Vendor
If you’re adding Inventory Items, select + Add
Inventory Item.
To delete an Inventory Item from the PO, click
the corresponding trash can of the row line item
In the main screen status will be changed from Placed to Modified
When a partially received PO is edited, on the
received PO screen the previously received field will appear with Date and
Time [MM/DD, YYYY0:00:00 AM/PM format]
If a previously received PO is selected, it will
expand with Order Details such as Date, Item Name, Quantity, Price per unit.
Receive – The Receive
Purchase Order screen appears, with the following fields:
Vendor– The name of the vendor created during
inventory item
Place OrderVia– How the PO is being communicated (Print or Email), set during PO creation
Vendor Invoice No– Vendor Invoice Number can be entered in the
Receive Date – Select
the receive date for the PO (calendar view)
Ordered Items - This section contains a
table with the following columns:
Item– The inventory item(s) added to the PO
SKU Code– The unique code assigned to the selected Item
Vendor Brand– The name of
the Vendor and Brand the Item was assigned to
Quantity– The quantity of item selected
during PO creation
Price– The price set during PO creation,
based on the Quantity and Price Per Unit.
Price Per
Unit– The
price of each item based on configuring
during PO creation
Received Quantity– The amount of the item being received set during the PO creation
Received Price– The value = Price Per Unit * Received Quantity, with the Total shown for the Received
Price column
Primary Storage– Storage which is set during creation of the
inventory item. If no storage is selected during that time, it can be selected
from the dropdown.
Secondary Storage– Storage created storage location will be
displayed in the dropdown.
Total– The Total amount for the item.
Cancel –When selected, the Reminder pop-up
with the message ‘Are you sure’ appears with Yes or No options.
If Yes,
the ‘Purchase order cancelled’ message appears and the PO is
If No, no changes will happen
Logs – The Logs screen appears with details
such as PO ID and Vendor Name, then a log with each listing
showing the Event (Placed / Received / Modified), Date (and Time) the PO was placed and received, and User (user name
and store name).
Order – A New Purchase Order screen appears that will be pre-populated similar to an Edit screen.
Confirm the information on the screen then select Place Order.
Save As
Template – A New Purchase
Template page appears (under Purchase Templates).
Enter the Name of the template
Confirm the Vendor, Addresses and Items to
Be Ordered.
Once ready to create the template, click Save.
You are taken to the
Purchase Template page appears, with the message ‘Purchase template Saved Successfully!’ appears, and the PO Template will be
visible as a Purchase Template.
Purchase Invoices
Displays a table of invoices (Order details of all the purchased Items), with the following columns:
Purchase Invoice ID – The unique
ID for the Invoice.
Invoice Number – The invoice
number generated from the POS. It can be generated from the Receive
InventoryItem page.
ReceivedDate – The Date & Time the invoice was received.
Ordered Date – The Date & Time the PO was created.
Vendor – The name of the vendor attached
to the invoice.
Vendor Invoice Number – The number
of the vendor’s invoice (mentioned in the PO).
Last Updated On – The Date & Time a purchase or (repeated order) is made from PO.
Status – The status of the Invoice
(Received, Edited, etc.)
Actions – Select the pencil icon
to Edit an existing invoice. The Edit Purchase Invoice page
appears, where only the Vendor
Invoice field can be edited. Other fields will be grayed out. The table
below contains the following columns:
Item – The
name of the item added to the PO
item’s corresponding unique number
Vendor Brand:
The name of
the Vendor and Brand attached to the inventory item
Quantity – The quantity of item provided while
creating menu item and during purchase order creation will be displayed.
Price – Price configured during PO creation
based on the Quantity and Price Per Unit
Per Unit– Price per unit
which is configured during purchase order.
Received Quantity – The
amount of items added to the PO, set during PO creation
Received Price –
The value of ReceivedQuantity * Price Per Unit, along
with Total.
Primary Storage – Storage selected during creation of the inventory item.
Secondary Storage – Secondary location where the item is stored,
if applicable.
When done editing the Purchase Invoice, select Save at the upper right. You revert to the main Purchase Invoices screen, with
the message ‘Invoice Updated
Successfully’ appearing at the upper right.
Select the <- next to the Edit Purchase Invoice header to close without editing.
Received Items
You can manually receive the orders that were not placed under the Purchase Orders page.
Example: You just placed an Order with a Vendor then emailed them. Once the Order is received, access the Received Item page to manually receive it in the Back Office.
the Type, Consumption Status and Time Period from the
dropdowns then select Apply to populate the tablewith the
following columns:
Name – The name of the inventory
item (created under the Inventory section).
SKU CODE – The item’s unique code
Type – The type of Item (Inventory
Item, Retail Item or Sub Recipe).
Inventory Count – The available
quantity of the Item
Received Quantity – The amount of the item that
received (set during PO creation)
Price – The item’s price value
will be displayed.
Primary Storage – Where the
inventory item is primarily stored (selected during creation of the item). If
no storage is selected during creation, one can be selected in the dropdown.
Secondary Storage – Where the item is secondarily stored, if
Select + Receive New Item to create a new Received Item. The Receive New
Item pane appears, with X Close at the top right and Cancel at
the bottom left. Save will be disabled until all mandatory fields are
Barcode/SKUCODE – The unique code that represents the item. Can be pre-populated based on the
selected Inventory Item, or manually entered. General
Inventory Item– Select from the dropdown. Other fields auto-populate based on
the selection.
Vendor– Displays the vendor based on the Inventory Item selection.
Brand– The item’s brand name, based on the Inventory Item selection.
Vendor Invoice No – Enter any invoice number related to the vendor
and item, if applicable. Price
Quantity– Enter the quantity of the item to be purchased, or use
▲/▼ to change the value.
Price– The total Price, which = Quantity * Price Per
Price Per Unit– The
price of a single item. Auto-populates based on Inventory Item selection. Storage
the Primary Storage from the dropdown (if not already auto-populated),
and the Secondary Storage (if applicable).
ready to create the new Received Item, select Save at the bottom-right.
You are returned to the Received Items page showing the new Received Item and the confirmation banner‘Receive
Item Saved successfully’appears.
Select Cancel at the bottom-left (or X Close at the top-right) to close the pane
without creating the Received Item.
Expired Purchased Item
tracking is enabled when an inventory item is added, any expired items will
appear on this screen.
For the receiver’s PO, the Expired Date for a purchase
item can be selected, so that Date will be displayed. Details of each
item are displayed in table format with the following columns:
Inventory Item– The inventory item for the expired purchase item.
SKU Code–
The unique code of the item.
Purchase order ID: PO ID generated from
when a new PO is placed.
Lot/Serial Number– The Lot/Serial Number for the order
(created from Inventory item only when tracking is enabled). It
can be either lot or serial, set by the customer in Inventory item. It can be
configured in received purchase order.
The name of the vendor for the respective inventory item will be shown here.
Purchase Date– The Date the inventory item was purchased.
Expiry Date– The Date the inventory item expires (set during purchase).
Expired Quantity– The amount of the inventory item that
expires (any leftover quantity that has passed the Expiration Date).
Wastage Quantity– The amount of expired quantity which was
deleted from the control will be shown here (it will have an impact in wastage
Whether the inventory item was Deducted or Not Deducted.
Purchase Order Overview: Creating Purchase Templates: Select “Inventory”, “Purchases”, “Purchase Templates”, “+Purchase Order Template” Type in the name of the Purchase Order and select a Vendor and add Inventory Creating a Purchase Order: Select ...
Back office: Inventory Enhancements: Inventory Phase 2: Inventory subcategory is included as like in Products/Items. Subcategory filter option is included in Inventory reports. Default filter option “Adjust Inventory” is added in Adjust Inventory ...
Sign into the Back Office and select a Store. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Inventory then Sync Inventory. The Sync Inventory page appears, highlighting the benefits available to a fully synced inventory: Create purchase orders, Receive ...
Sign into the Back Office. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Inventory then Inventory Item. The Inventory Item page appears, with tabs for Inventory Items and Retail Items – along with a Select Categories dropdown and a Total Value On Hand. ...
Sign into the Back Office. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Inventory then Adjust Inventory. The Adjust Inventory screen appears, with tabs for Inventory Item, Retail Item and Sub-Recipe. At the upper-right portion of each tab’s page, buttons ...