Back Office: Inventory Reports

Back Office: Inventory Reports

  1. Log into the Back Office and select a Store.

  2. Under Reports > Inventory Reports.

  3. On the Inventory Reports dashboard, select a tab.
Master Stock
Purchased Item
Consumption Log
Compare Inventory
Count Sheet
Adjust Inventory
Inventory Item History
Matrix Report
Wastage Report
Master Stock

High-level details about item inventory. Select a Type, Category, Sub Category, Transaction Type, Inventory Item and Time Period, then click Apply.

  1. TYPE: Select Inventory Item or Retail Item – or ALL (both). Selecting Inventory will make the Inventory Items dropdown appear, and the same with Retail and Retail Items.
  1. CATEGORY: Select a Category (from set established in Back Office), or ALL categories - with Search option to identify a category more quickly.

  2. SUB CATEGORY: Select a Sub Category (based on selected Category, from set established in Back Office) - with Search option to identify a sub category more quickly.

  3. INVENTORY ITEMS / RETAIL ITEMS: Displays the dropdown based on your Type selection. If ALL was selected, neither of these additional dropdowns appear.

  4. TRANSACTION TYPE: Select the transaction type for inventory items. For Transfer In, Adjusted Increase and Purchase, the Quantity column is denoted as a positive value - and for Transfer Out, Sale, Adjusted Decrease, and Consumption Inventory, the Quantity column is denoted as a negative value. Also, the Value on Hand / Quantity and Price Per Unit are displayed based on the Transaction Type calculation.

  5. Master Stock Table: When Apply is clicked, the below columns appear.

    1. Business Date: The business date of purchase/sale/transfer in/transfer out/consumption inventory
    2. Transaction Date: The date of purchase/sale/transfer in/transfer out/consumption inventory
    3. Transaction Time: The time of purchase/sale/transfer in/transfer out/consumption inventory
    4. SKU Code: The user defined code in Inventory Item creation screen (not a mandatory field)
    5. Category: The Category the Item was added under when created in Back Office (BO).
    6. Sub Category: The Sub Category the Item was added under when creating in BO.
    7. Transaction Type: The type of transaction (same options as the above dropdown).
    8. Inventory Item: This name of the Inventory Item.
    9. Purchase Unit: The purchase unit which is chosen for inventory item.
    10. Inventory Unit: The unit measure of the of the Inventory Item.
    11. Quantity: The quantity used in Transaction Type.
    12. Price Per Unit: If Weighted Average Price was chosen in inventory settings, this column displays the last Weighted Average Price Per Unit. If Last Price was chosen, this column displays the latest received Price Per Unit.
    13. Total: The Total Amount – excluding any Tax Amount (Quantity * Price Per Unit).
    14. Qty on Hand: The quantity on hand.
    15. Value on Hand: The Relevant Price for the quantity on hand.
    16. Weighted Average Price: The weighted average price of the inventory item
      1. Note: If Last price was chosen in Inventory Settings, this column’s values will appear as NA.
    17. Last Received Price: The last received price of the Item (at time of Received Log Price).
    18. Vendor Name: The name of the vendor.
    19. Recipe Units: The Recipe Units of the Item.
    20. Invoice Number: The Invoice Number (applicable to the sale).
    21. Store / Storage In: The Primary Storage (at the time of purchase).
    22. Store / Storage Out: The Secondary Storage (to which storage it reaches).
    23. Authorized Person: The username of the authorized individual (based on captured log).
    24. Par level: The minimum stock quantity of the Item.
    25. Currency: The type of currency used for the Transaction.

Purchased Item
High-level details about purchased items.

  1. Select a Type (followed by additional dropdown options based on selections) and Time Period, then click Apply.

    1. Type: Select Inventory Item, Retail Item, Sub Recipe, Menu Item or ALL.

      1. Inventory Item – Select from the Category Level (if Sub Category is selected then select from the Sub Category dropdown), and Inventory Item dropdowns.

      2. Retail Item – Select from the Category Level (if Sub Category is selected then select from the Sub Category dropdown) and Retail Item dropdowns.

      3. Sub Recipe – Select from the Sub Recipe dropdown.

  2. Click Apply.

    1. Name: The Name of the purchased inventory item.
    2. DATE: The date the Purchase Order was created (DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS format).
    3. Quantity: The quantity of the purchased item
    4. Unit Name: The unit set for the inventory item.
    5. Price: The price of the purchased item. (Price Per Unit set in Vendor section).
    6. Type: An option from the Type dropdown (Inventory Item, Retail Item, or Sub Recipe).
    7. Tax: The inventory item Tax.
    8. Total: The Total amount (Price + Tax).

Consumption Log
High-level details about consumed inventory.

  1. Select from the following fields:
    1. Type: Select Inventory Item, Retail Item, Sub Recipe, Menu Item or ALL.
      1. Inventory Item – Select from the Category Level (if Sub Category is selected then select from the Sub Category dropdown), and Inventory Item dropdowns.

      2. Retail Item – Select from the Category Level (if Sub Category is selected then select from the Sub Category dropdown) and Retail Item dropdowns.

      3. Sub Recipe – Select from the Sub Recipe dropdown.

    2. Consumption Type: Select System (made systematically during sale), Manual (made during preparation of Menu Item), or ALL (both).

  2. Click Apply. The below columns appear:
    1. Consume Date: The business date for the consumption date will be shown.
    2. Name: Name of the Menu Item. A clickable link which displays the Individual Item screen.
    3. Item Type: An option from the Type dropdown (InventoryRetailMenu or Sub Recipe).
    4. Quantity: The amount of consumption made for the business type will be shown.
    5. Unit: The unit measure for the Item.
    6. Note: The columns will be same for all Item Type.

  1. Individual Item Screen – Appears when a Menu Item value in the Name column is clicked. The below columns appear (click <- to revert to the Consumption Log Table).
    1. Consume Date: The date the item was used.
    2. Quantity: The amount of the item consumed.
    3. Unit: The unit of measurement set for the item.
    4. Reason: The reason for the consumption will be shown along with the sale details.
    5. Consume Type: Consumption type (system or manual).

Compare Inventory
High-level details comparing inventory levels based on activity over a time period.

  1. Select from the following fields and the Time Period.
    1. Type: Select Inventory Item, Retail Item, Sub Recipe, Menu Item or ALL.
      1. Inventory Item – Select from the category Level (if Sub Category is selected then select from the Sub Category dropdown), and Inventory Item dropdowns.

      2. Sub Recipe – Select from the Sub Recipe dropdown.

  2. Click Apply. The table with the following columns is populated:

      1. Name: The name of the Item Type (based on the Type selection).
      2. Beginning - Quantity: The beginning (before purchase) quantity of the item type.
      3. Beginning - Price: The beginning (before purchase) price of the item type.
      4. Purchase - Quantity: The amount of the item type that was purchased.
      5. Purchase - Price: The purchase price (cost of the purchase item) of the item type and.
      6. Ideal Used - Quantity: How effectively the quantity of the chosen item from the filter is used based on the sale.
      7. Ideal Used - Price: The used item’s price details.
      8. Adjusted - Quantity: How much quantity of the chosen item from the filter is adjusted (adjusting the count of the item without purchase order or without using menu item).
      9. Adjusted - Price: The adjusted quantities price detail based on the time filter.
      10. Wastage - Quantity: How much quantity of the chosen item from the filter is wasted (damaged/expired etc) based on the time filter.
      11. Wastage - Price: The wastage quantities price detail.
      12. Usage - Quantity: The overall used quantity of an item based on the time filter. Formula = Ideal Used Quantity + Adjusted Quantity
      13. Usage - Price: The usage quantity’s price detail (Ideal Used Quantity Price + Adjusted Quantity Price).
      14. Transfer In - Quantity: Then amount of the chosen item was transferred in (received from another store or central warehouse or central kitchen) during the time period.
      15. Transfer In - Price: The pricing detail of the Transferred Out quantity.
      16. Transfer Out - Quantity: Then amount of the chosen item was transferred out (sent to another store or central warehouse or central kitchen) during the time period.
      17. Transfer Out - Price: The pricing detail of the Transferred Out quantity time filter.
      18. On Hand - Quantity: The available amount of the chosen item that was on-hand during the time period. Formula = Beginning Quantity + Purchase Quantity – Usage Quantity + Transfer In Quantity – Transfer Out Quantity Variance + Variance
      19. On Hand - Price: The pricing detail of the available amount during the time period. Formula = Beginning Quantity Price + Purchase Quantity Price – Usage Quantity Price + Transfer In Quantity Price – Transfer Out Quantity Price
      20. Unit: The Inventory Unit of the chosen filters.
        1. Note: When Inventory Item is chosen in Type filter and when there are different prices configured i.e., for the first 5 item it is configured $5 and for the next following items it is configured as $6 then the price will be listed as $5 for first 5 items then from 6th item on the price will be listed as $6 each.
        2. When Sub Recipe is chosen as the Type, the last configured Cost Per Price will be listed here.
        3. The Compare Inventory Report will work based on the Business Date.
        4. Any negative values will apply to both the Quantity and Price columns.
      21. Type: The Type of item (an option from the Type dropdown).
      22. Wastage: In Void reason, if the Prepared toggle is disabled it will be considered as Wastage quantity.

Count Sheet
Displays the inventory and value based on the type of item and storage location.

  1. Select from the following fields along with Time Period:

    1. Type: Select Inventory Item, Retail Item, Sub Recipe, Menu Item or ALL.

      1. Inventory Item – Select from the Category Level (if Sub Category is selected then select from the Sub Category dropdown), and Inventory Item dropdowns.

      2. Retail Item – Select from the Category Level (if Sub Category is selected then select from the Sub Category dropdown) and Retail Item dropdowns.

      3. Sub Recipe – Select from the Sub Recipe dropdown.

      4. If All is selected, then no additional dropdowns appear.

    2. Storage Location: Select a Location (based on options created under Inventory > Storage Location).

  2. Click Apply. The table with the following columns is populated:
    1. Values may include items, sub recipes and menu items from the store depending upon selections.

    2. Name: The name of the item under the selected store.
    3. Vendor Name: The Name of the vendor of the inventory item.
      1. Note: There’s no vender for Sub Recipe or Menu Item, so values for those rows will be blank.
    4. Item On Hand: The total quantity of the item purchased from the vendor.
    5. Vendor On Hand: The total quantity of the item available from the vendor Inventory item can purchased from different vendors so in Vendor On Hand.
      1. Note: If the Inventory item is created with multiple vendors, each vendor with inventory is displayed as a separate item with its respective quantity.
    6. Unit: Measurement of the Inventory item.
    7. Cost: The value based on the total on-hand quantity of the item.
    8. Type: The Type of item (an option from the Type dropdown).

Displays the inventory and value based on the type of item and storage location.

  1. Select the COGS Type and Time Period. For COGS Type:
    1. If Products/Items is selected, select the Type then click Apply:
      1. If All is selected (Default), no additional dropdowns appear.
      2. If Menu Item is selected, select from the Menu Item dropdown that appears.
      3. If Retail Item is selected, select from the Retail Item dropdown that appears.
      4. If Modifier is selected, select from the Modifiers dropdown that appears.

        The Total Cost appears at the top, with the following columns below:
        1. Item: The name of the Item.
        2. Type: The type of Item (an option from the Type dropdown).
        3. Quantity: The count of the number of items.
        4. Cost: The cost of the item(s) toward the sale.

          Department Total Table: The table appears at the bottom, with the below columns:

          1. Name: The name of the Department.
          2. Cost: The cost for the respective department.
          3. Percentage: The percentage (%) of the department sold.

    2. If Inventory is selected, select the Level then click Apply:

      1. If Category is selected, select the Category.

      2. If Sub Category is selected, select the Sub Category.

        1. Inventory Item Table – When Apply is clicked, the following graphics and columns appear:
          1. Total Income: (blue tile with a money sack icon) – the total income from the inventory.
          2. Total Cost: (pink tile with a dollar sign inside a square icon) – total cost of the inventory.
          3. Cost Percentage: (green tile with a % symbol inside a floral icon) – the cost percentage of the inventory.
          4. Item: The name of the menu item. Click the plus sign (+) next to the name to expand it into an itemized list.
            1. Unit Price: The price of the item.
            2. Sold Quantity: The number of the category’s units sold.
            3. Total Income: The total value (including tax) of the category.
            4. Cost Per Unit: The cost mapped for the item.
            5. Total Cost: Total cost of the inventory category.
            6. Cost %: The cost percentage of the item.
            7. Discount: The discount applied from POS to the menu item.
            8. Net Revenue: The revenue made from the sale of the item.
            9. Revenue Cost %: Revenue cost % of the menu item.

Adjust Inventory
Displays the inventory and value based on the type of item and storage location.

  1. Select a COGS Type (followed by either Type or Level based on selection) and Time Period.

    1. Type: Select Inventory Item, Retail Item, Sub Recipe, or ALL.

      1. If ALL or Sub Recipe are selected, no additional dropdowns appear.

      2. Inventory Item – Select from the Category Level (if Sub Category is selected then select from the Sub Category dropdown), and Inventory Item dropdowns.

      3. Retail Item – Select from the Category Level (if Sub Category is selected then select from the Sub Category dropdown) and Retail Item dropdowns.

    2. Reason Type: Select one or more Reason checkboxes from the dropdown (or Select All [default]). These were created under Inventory > Adjust Inventory Reasons.

  2. Click Apply. The table with the below columns is populated:
    1. DATE: Date & Time the inventory was adjusted (DD-MM-YYYY 0:00 AM/PM format).
    2. Item Name: Name of the item which was adjusted.
    3. SKU Code: Unique code assigned for item.
    4. Type: The type of item (from the options in the Type dropdown).
    5. From Quantity: Initial quantity of menu items before adjustment.
    6. To Quantity: Adjusted quantity of menu items after adjustment.
    7. Difference: The value of the difference between the To and From Quantities.
    8. Notes: Any notes entered in the comments during the adjustment of the inventory.
    9. User Name: The username of the selected Store.

Inventory Item History

Displays inventory activity at the Item level.

  1. Select a Type (followed by either Inventory Item or Retail Item based on selection) and Time Period.

    1. Inventory Item – Select from the Inventory Item dropdown.

    2. Retail Item – Select from the Retail Item dropdown.

  2. Click Apply. The table with the following columns is populated:

    1. Inventory Item: The name of the item.
    2. Date: The Date & Time the inventory was updated (DD-MM YYYY HH:MM AM/PM format).
    3. Name: The Name of the item.
    4. SKU Code: The unique code assigned to the item.
    5. Type: The type of item (Inventory or Retail).
    6. Event: The event that occurred for the inventory (Modify, Created, Adjusted, Restored).
    7. Log: The amount of change to inventory item (such as Quantity or Price Per Unit).
    8. User Name: The User ID of the device from where the sale was made.

  3. Inventory Item Screen: When the Inventory Item name is clicked, a screen displaying a table with the below columns appears.
    1. Inventory Item: The selected Inventory Item.
    2. Item Type: The type of item (from the options in the Type dropdown).
    3. SKU Code: The item’s unique code assigned.
    4. Date: The Date of the item’s Event (MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM AM/PM format).
    5. Event: The event that occurred for the inventory (Modify, Created, Adjusted, Restored).
    6. Log: The amount of change to inventory item (such as Quantity or Price Per Unit).
    7. Username: The User ID of the device from where the sale was made.

    8. Click <- to return to the main Inventory Item History screen.

Matrix Report

Displays high-level sales activity of inventory.

  1. Select a Level (followed by Category / Sub Category) and Time Period.

    1. Category – Select from the Category dropdown that appears.

    2. If Sub Category is selected, select from the Sub Category dropdown that appears.

    3. If ALL is chosen, no additional dropdowns appear.

  2. Click Apply. The table with the following columns is populated:
    1. Item – The name of the menu item.
    2. Sold Quantity – The amount that the menu item sold.
    3. Popularity % – Percentage of sales of the individual item’s sales vs the total sold quantity.
    4. Cost Per UnitFormula = Total Cost / Sold Quantity. Understanding the cost of each unit you produce is essential to ensure your business remains profitable.
    5. Sale Price Per UnitFormula = Sales / Quantity (number of units) Sold.
    6. Profit – Profit is the revenue remaining after all costs are paid. Formula = (Selling Price - Discount - Inclusive Tax - Total Cost) / Sold Quantity.
    7. Total Cost – The sum of cost of all items.
    8. Total Revenue – The store’s total income. Formula = Selling Price - Discount - Inclusive Tax.
    9. Total ProfitFormula = Selling Price - Discount - Inclusive Tax - Total Cost.
    10. Profit Category and Popularity Category – 2 levels (High or Low - based on the Threshold value configured in settings).
    11. Menu Item Class – 4 classes based on a category’s profitability and popularity:
      1. Stars: High Profitability and high popularity.
      2. Plow Horse: Low Profitability and High Popularity (costly to make).
      3. Puzzles: High Profitability and Low Popularity (difficult to sell).
      4. Dogs: Low Profitability and Low Popularity (costly to make and low popularity).

Wastage Report
Displays inventory’s high-level sales activity.

  1. Select a Type and Time Period.
  2. Type – Select one of the following:

    1. Sale Void – Menu Items which were voided after being prepared.
    2. Manual – Menu Items manually voided when adjusting inventory.
    3. Purchase Expired – Menu Item purchased after the expiration date.
    4. Item Yield – Menu Item of which a portion was not used.

  3. Click Apply. The table with the following columns is populated:
    1. Date: The Date & Time the wastage was adjusted (DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM AM/PM format).
    2. Item Name: The Name of the menu item moved to wastage.
    3. Item Type: The type of item wasted (Menu Item or Sub Recipe) should be displayed.
    4. Wastage Type: Adjustment type (Purchase Expired, Sale Void, Item Yield, or Manual).
    5. SKU Code: The unique code assigned to the item.
    6. Quantity: The amount this menu item's SKU that was wasted.
    7. Cost Per Unit: The cost of the menu item's SKU per quantity.
    8. Cost: The Quantity multiplied by the Cost Per Unit.


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