Business Date: The business date of
purchase/sale/transfer in/transfer out/consumption inventory
Transaction Date: The date of
purchase/sale/transfer in/transfer out/consumption inventory
Transaction Time: The time of
purchase/sale/transfer in/transfer out/consumption inventory
SKU Code: The user defined code in
Inventory Item creation screen (not a mandatory field)
Category: The Category the Item was added
under when created in Back Office (BO).
Sub Category: The Sub Category the Item
was added under when creating in BO.
Transaction Type: The type of transaction
(same options as the above dropdown).
Inventory Item: This name of the Inventory
Purchase Unit: The purchase unit which is
chosen for inventory item.
Inventory Unit: The unit measure of the of
the Inventory Item.
Quantity: The quantity used in
Transaction Type.
Price Per Unit: If Weighted Average Price was chosen in inventory settings, this column displays the last Weighted Average
Price Per Unit. If Last Price was chosen, this column displays the
latest received Price Per Unit.
Total: The Total Amount – excluding
any Tax Amount (Quantity * Price Per Unit).
Qty on Hand: The quantity on hand.
Value on Hand: The Relevant Price for the
quantity on hand.
Weighted Average Price: The weighted
average price of the inventory item
Note: If Last
price was chosen in Inventory Settings, this column’s values will
appear as NA.
Last Received Price: The last received
price of the Item (at time of Received Log Price).
Vendor Name: The name of the vendor.
Recipe Units: The Recipe Units of the Item.
Invoice Number: The Invoice Number
(applicable to the sale).
Store / Storage In: The Primary Storage (at
the time of purchase).
Store / Storage Out: The Secondary
Storage (to which storage it reaches).
Authorized Person: The username of the
authorized individual (based on captured log).
Par level: The minimum stock quantity of
the Item.
Currency: The type of currency used for
the Transaction.