Back Office: Inventory - Sub Recipe

Back Office: Inventory - Sub Recipe

  1. Sign into the Back Office and select a Store.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Inventory then Sub Recipe.

  3. The Sub Recipe page appears, which displays a table containing a list of Sub Recipes that have already been created.
    1. If you are preparing a recipe in-house using the inventory items and then use that recipe to make a menu item, in that case you need to make a Sub Recipe under inventory.
    2. Example: For pizza, if you make the dough in-house, you will use flour, salt, yeast, sugar, and oil. All these ingredients will be the inventory items, and the dough would be the sub recipe that you will use to make menu items which are pizza.

Creating a New Sub Recipe (or Editing an Existing Sub Recipe)

  1. To create a new Sub Recipe, click + New Sub Recipe at the upper-right (or to Edit an existing Sub Recipe, click the corresponding pencil icon under the Actions column).

  2. The New/Update Sub Recipe pane appears. The Save/Update button will be greyed out, and you will not be able to save a new Sub Recipe without all Mandatory fields (marked by an *) filled in.
  1. Basic Details - General

    1. Name – (Mandatory) Enter the Name of the Sub Recipe, which can’t exceed 25 characters.
    2. Inventory Unit – (Mandatory) Select the unit of measure from the previously-configured list of dropdown options.
    3. Par Level – Set the Par Level, which will be based on the selected Inventory Unit.
    4. Calculate COGS on Cost Price – If Enabled (set to YES), the Cost Of Goods Sold (COGS) will be calculated based on the Cost Price itself. If Disabled (default), COGS will calculate based on Purchased Price.
    5. Preparation Notes – Enter any notes (if necessary) for this Sub Recipe.
      A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

  2. Basic Details - Price

    1. Quantity (Mandatory) Enter the Quantity for this Sub Recipe.
    2. Yield % (Mandatory) Will be 100 by default. Edit the value as needed (can’t be greater than 100).
    3. Price Per Unit – (Mandatory) Enter the Price Per Unit.
    4. Weighted Average: Will appear when Weighted Average is chosen in Central Inventory Settings screen. Based on the ingredient selection (Inventory Item, Sub-Recipe, Manual Entry), the price of the weighted average will be determined. This is not editable.
      1. Example: When the inventory item is chosen, the Weighted Average price will be pre-populated based on the selection and the Cost will be determined based on the entered Quantity. The Price Per Unit and Weighted Average will be calculated based on the Ingredient and Quantity for the Sub Recipe.

  3. Basic Details – Storage

    1. Primary Storage (Mandatory) Select the Primary Storage Location from the list of dropdown options, previously created in the Storage Location tab.
      1. Click + New Storage to create a New Storage location. On the New Storage Location pane: fill in the Name (Mandatory) and Description (if needed, maximum 150 characters), then click Save.
    2. Secondary Storage: Select the Secondary Storage Location from the list of dropdown options, previously created in the Storage Location tab. Here, the user has the provision to create the new Storage Location.

  4. Basic Details Recipe Units

  5. Multiple Recipe Units can be created for a single Sub Recipe
    1. Click + Add Recipe Unit, and a row representing a Recipe Unit will be added.
    2. Each Recipe Units row will have the following fields:
    3. Item – pre-populated as the selected Inventory Unit
    4. Recipe Unit – select the measurement from the dropdown (created from InHouse Units).
    5. Recipe Quantity – enter the desired Quantity of the selected Unit (will auto-populate based on the Item and selected Recipe Unit).
    6. Recipe Price – Auto-calculated based on the below provided Ingredients (not editable).
    7. Delete (trash can icon) – Click and the Delete pop-up appears. Click Delete to confirm or Cancel / X Close to keep the item.

  6. Ingredients

  7. Inventory Items or Sub-Recipes can be added, along with a Manual Entry option

    1. Inventory Item – Click + Add Inventory Item to add a new Inventory Item.
      A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated
      1. Level – Select Category or Sub Category from the dropdown. If Category is chosen, select the Category from the dropdown, with Sub Category being greyed out. If Sub Category is selected, then select the Category along with its relevant Sub Category.
      2. Item – Select an Item (from within the selected Category) from the dropdown.
      3. Recipe Unit – Make a selection from the dropdown, based on the selections made for Category (and Sub Category if applicable) and Item.
      4. Wt. Avg Unit Price / Latest Unit Price: Displayed based on the inventory item screen and it is non-editable.
      5. Quantity: Editable, and once edited the Cost price (Price Per Unit * Quantity) will update.
      6. Cost – Displays the total Cost.
      7. Delete (trash can icon) – When clicked, the Delete pop-up appears. Select Delete to remove the Inventory Item or Cancel / X Close to keep it.

    2. Sub-Recipe – Click + Sub Recipe to add a new Sub Recipe.
      1. Item – Select the Item from the dropdown.
      2. Recipe Unit – Make a selection from the dropdown, based on the selections made for Category (and Sub Category if applicable) and Item.
      3. Wt. Avg Unit Price / Latest Unit Price – Displayed based on the inventory item screen and it is non-editable.
      4. Quantity – Editable, and once edited the Cost price (Price Per Unit * Quantity) will update.
      5. Cost – Displays the total Cost.
      6. Delete (trash can icon) – When clicked, the Delete pop-up appears. Select Delete to remove the Inventory Item or Cancel / X Close to keep it.

    3. Manual Entry – Click + Manual Entry to add a new item via Manual Entry.
      1. Manual Entry – Enter the name of the Item (maximum of 25 characters).
      2. Wt. Avg Unit Price/Latest Unit Price – Displayed based on the inventory item screen and it is non-editable.
      3. Quantity – Editable, and once edited the Cost price (Price Per Unit * Quantity) will update.
      4. Cost – Displays the total Cost.
      5. Delete (trash can icon) – When clicked, the Delete pop-up appears. Select Delete to remove the Inventory Item or Cancel / X Close to keep it.

  8. Actions

    1. Edit  If selected, the Update Sub Recipe pane for the corresponding Sub Recipe appears. Update the Sub Recipe’s info as needed then click Update (it will be disabled [greyed out] by default until any information about the Sub Recipe is updated). Upon clicking update, you are returned to the main Sub Recipe page with the ‘Updated Successfully’ confirmation pop-up appears.
      1. Click Back (<-) to revert to the main Sub Recipe page without updating.

    2. Delete If selected, a pop-up appears with the message 'Are you sure you want to delete this item’ with Cancel and Delete options.
      1. If Delete is selected, the Sub Recipe is deleted, and the confirmation message ‘Sub Recipe inactivated successfully’ appears. The Sub Recipe will be moved to Inactive status.
      2. If Cancel is selected, the pop-up will be closed and the Sub Recipe will be unchanged.

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