the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings. The Settings page
Inventory click Taxes. The Taxes screen appears.
Taxes Toggle – If Enabled (YES), the ‘Taxes Enabled
Successfully’ banner appears at the top-right, and you can create a tax
as well as view created taxes.
Click Edit (pencil) on a row to
update an existing Tax.
Click Delete (trash can) on a row
to delete the existing Tax. Click Delete again on the confirmation
pop-up to complete deletion of the tax.
If the Tax is connected to a Category or Sub
Category, it cannot be deleted.
+ New Tax to create a new Tax, or the pencil icon to update an
existing Tax. The pane appears on the right.
Name – (Mandatory) Enter the name of the tax (maximum of 25 characters).
– (Mandatory) Enter the percentage amount of tax to be taken out (you can click
▲/▼ to increase/decrease the value. Only numbers are allowed and cannot be 0.
– If Enabled (YES), the tax will be considered inclusive. If Disabled
(NO), it will be considered an exclusive tax.
Save to save the new Tax. The ‘Tax… Successfully’
confirmation banner appears.
Click Cancel
to discard the new tax information and close the pane.
Back office: Inventory Enhancements: Inventory Phase 2: Inventory subcategory is included as like in Products/Items. Subcategory filter option is included in Inventory reports. Default filter option “Adjust Inventory” is added in Adjust Inventory ...
Introduction: This document explains regarding the changes done in the settings menu of the back office. Implementation in Back Office: Page Navigation: My Stores >> Settings >> Store The settings menu includes the following tabs, 1) Store ...
Sign into the Back Office. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings. The Settings page appears. Under Inventory click Store Inventory. The Store Inventory screen appears. At the top is a listing of the reports utilizing the Business Date and ...
Sign into the Back Office. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings. The Settings page appears. Under Inventory click Matrix Report Settings. The Matrix Report screen appears. Profit Threshold Amount – (Mandatory) Enter the threshold value ...
Linking Modifiers to Inventory: Select the arrow under “Controls” to open the modifier settings Select an Item Type Select Category Select Item “Check mark” will indicate modifier is linked with inventory