Back Office: Inventory - Vendors

Back Office: Inventory - Vendors

  1. Sign into the Back Office and select a Store.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Inventory then Vendor.

  3. The Vendor page appears, including the Total Value on Hand, along with a table containing the following columns:

    1. Name – The name of the vendors.
    2. Description – A brief description of vendor.
    3. Phone Number – The phone number of vendor.
    4. Email ID – The email address of vendor.
    5. Address – The mailing address of vendor.
    6. Contact Name – The name of the contact person.
    7. Contact Number – The phone number of the contact person.
    8. Actions – Buttons for Edit (pencil) and Delete (trash can).
      1. Delete – The Delete pop-up including the message ‘Are you sure you want to delete this item’ appears, with Cancel and Delete options.
        1. Select Delete and the Vendor is sent to Inactive status with a ‘Vendor inactivated successfully’ confirmation message appearing.
        2. Select Cancel, and the Vendor is kept in Active status.

  1. Active
    1. By default, the button will be set to Active and all Active Vendors appear.
      1. Select Active to change to Inactive, and shows deleted Vendors appear. If no deleted Vendors appear, the message Vendor not found appears in the body of the table.
      2. Select Inactive to change back to Active. A pop-up appears which shows ‘Are you sure you want to activate this item’ with Cancel and Yes, Activate options.
        1. Yes, Activate: the ‘Adjust Inventory Reason Activated Successfully’ pop-up appears.
        2. Cancel: the pop-up will be closed.

Creating a New Vendor (or Updating an Existing Vendor)
  1. Create a new Vendor by clicking the pink + New Vendor button at the top-right (or click the corresponding Edit [pencil] of an existing Vendor).

  2. The New Vendor (or Update Vendor) pane appears. Enter or Update the Vendor’s information, as needed.
    1. Note: Only Name is a Mandatory field.

  1. General
    1. Name – (Mandatory) Enter the name of the Vendor (maximum of 25 characters).
    2. Phone Number – Enter the phone number (only numbers allowed).
    3. Email Enter the Email Address of the vendor.
    4. Description – Enter a detailed description of the vendor.

  1. Contact

    1. Contact Name – Enter the name of the contact person.
    2. Phone Number – Enter the phone number of the contact person.

  1. Address
    1. Address Line 1 – Enter the number and street name of the address.
    2. Apt, Suite, etc. (optional) – Enter the specific Apt, Suite, Unit, etc. number (if applicable)
    3. City – Enter the City where the address is located.
    4. State – Enter the State where the address is located.
    5. Zip Code – Enter the ZIP Code where the address is located.
    6. Select Save to create the new Vendor (or Update to update the existing Vendor). You’re returned to the Vendor page, and a confirmation message appears at the top-right.
      1. Click Cancel / Close to close the pane without creating or updating the Vendor.

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