Back Office: Kiosk Addon Settings
- Sign
into the Back Office and select a Store.
- On
the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings. The Settings page

- Under
Addons click Kiosk. The Kiosk screen appears.

Kiosk screen is in 2 sections: Accepted Payment Types and Style
Payment Types – Determine which payment types will be accepted at the
Kiosk: Enabled (YES) or Disabled (NO).
Device (Credit Card Payment) – If Enabled, customer can pay with CC
at the kiosk.
at the Counter – If Enabled, customer can select the option to
pay at the counter.
Payment – If Enabled, customer can pay with Loyalty points at the
Card Payment - If Enabled, customer can pay with Gift Card at the kiosk.
Style Settings – Determine the layout and color coordination
of the Kiosk display.
your theme color –
Click the colorized square and the color picker pop-up appears. You can select
a Standard Color then select a shade within the rectangle and select from the
color spectrum slider.

kiosk layout –
Select from the options of how you’d like the areas for Category, Item
and Checkout to be laid out.

Screen Background – Select the images you’d like to appear as the background
for Landscape and Portrait view. Click the document upload button
then navigate to where the image is saved (must be .jpg or .png file and cannot
exceed 5 MB file size) and double-click the image or single-click and click Open.
– Recommended resolution of 3000px (width) X 1687px (height).
Landscape – Recommended
resolution of 1687px (height) X 3000px (width).

updates to the Kiosk settings are complete, click Save at the top-right
of the screen. The settings are saved, and you’re returned to the main Settings
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