Back Office: Marketing - Manage List
into the Back Office and select a Store.
On the left-side Navigation
Panel, select Marketing then Manage List.

Manage List screen contains a table of created marketing Lists,
with the following columns, based on selections made when creating each List:
Name – The customer’s name.
List Type – The type of list (Static
or Dynamic).
Customers Targeted – The number of
customers targeted.
Sent Targeted – The number of Emails sent to the target group.
Actions – Select
the Delete option to delete a List. The Delete pop-up
appears, with options to select Delete or Cancel / X Close.

Delete – Deletes the list. It is removed
from the Manage List screen.
Cancel / X
Close – Keeps the List. It still appears on the Manage List screen.
there are no existing Lists, the message ‘Manage List not found’ appears
in the body of the table.
create a new List, click + Create List. You are redirected to the
Customers page (traditionally access when selecting Marketing >
Customers). After a List is created from that page, you are
redirected to the Manage List screen.
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