Back Office: Marketing - Settings

Back Office: Marketing - Settings

  1. Sign into the Back Office and select a Store.

  2. Onhe left-side Navigation Panel, select Marketing then Settings.

  3. The Settings page contains options to quantify the thresholds for types of Customers. Enter the number for each field, or use ▲/▼ to increase/decrease the value.
    1. New: Customers who have signed up as Members of your loyalty program within the last entered number of Days.
    2. Recurring: Members who have ordered from your store within the last entered number of Days.
    3. At Risk: Members who haven’t visited your business within the last entered number of Days.
    4. VIP: Recurring customers with one or more Life Days.
      1. Life Points are a total accumulation of all earned Loyalty points
  4. When satisfied with all values, click Save at the upper-right. The settings will be saved and the ‘Settings Saved Successfully’ confirmation banner appears.
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