Back Office: Membership Reports

Back Office: Membership Reports

  1. Log into the Back Office and select a Store.

  2. Select Report then Membership.

  3. The Membership report page contains the following tab options:
Membership Summary
Membership Statement
Membership Summary
Displays the details of a Customer’s activity when using a Membership plan.

  1. Select from the following fields then Time Period (month) and Year (both appear when Membership Plan is selected) then click Apply.

    1. Customer: Select a Customer’s name (based on the customers with membership plans). Use Search to find a customer more easily.

    2. Membership Plan: Select a Plan name (based on the existing plans created in Back Office). Search to more easily find a plan.

    3. Time Period: Appears when a Membership Plan is selected, and options vary based on the selected Plan (broken down by Quarterly, Half Yearly, or Monthly).

    4. Year: Select from the dropdown. Search to more quickly find the year.

  2. Click Apply. The table with the below columns is populated:

    1. Customer Name: The Name of the Customer (selected from the Customer dropdown).
    2. Membership Plan: The Name of the Plan (selected from the Membership Plan dropdown).
    3. Membership ID: This displays the ID of the membership plan.
    4. Allowance: This column displays allowance per period.
    5. Allowance DED: This column displays quarterly allowance.
    6. Overdraft Due: Any overdraft amount that’s currently due.
    7. Refund: This column shows refund amount for membership plan.
    8. Apr: This column shows the amount of payment made with the membership plan in April.
    9. May: This column shows the amount of payment made with the membership plan in May.
    10. June: This column shows the amount of payment made with the membership plan in June.
    11. Total Transaction:  This shows the total amount of transactions for a period.
    12. Pending Allowance: Total amount that is not deducted from the allowance.

Membership Statement
Displays the details of a Customer’s Membership status.

  1. Select a Customer and Time Period.
    1. Customer: Select a Customer’s name (based on the customers with membership plans). Search to find a customer more easily.

  2. Click Apply. The table with the below columns is populated:

    1. The first row (in gray) displays the Name of the Customer.
    2. Date: The date the sale happened with the membership plan.
    3. Check #: The check number of a sale made with the membership plan.
    4. Plan: The membership plan name.
    5. Menu Item: The menu items on the check.
    6. Account Recharge: The value of any captured recharges to the Account.
    7. Price: The total price of each menu item.
    8. Tax: The tax amount of each menu item.
    9. Tip: The tip amount in the order.
    10. Total: The Total amount of the payment after we sum the price and tax.
    11. The summary section appears under the Check column and displays the below fields:
      1. Beginning Balance: Total amount of the beginning balance of the Membership.
      2. Account Recharge: Total amount recharged using the Membership.
      3. Net Sale: Total amount in Net Sales using the Membership.
      4. Tax: Total amount in Taxes using the Membership.
      5. Tip: Total amount in Tips using the Membership.
      6. Membership Payment: Total amount of payments using the Membership.
      7. Refund: The amount in Refunds using the Membership.
      8. Other Payment: Total Amount in payment methods in addition to the Membership.
      9. Current Balance: The Current Balance of a customer’s Membership.


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