Back Office: Online Ordering Stores
into the Back Office.
the left-side Navigation Panel, click Enterprise. Then click Online

the Online Ordering page, click Stores. The Stores page

Stores page displays a table containing the list of stores under the Account, with
the following columns:

No (Number) – The stores will be marked
with serial numbers.
Name – The name of the store will
be mentioned.
Status – Indicates whether the
store is Active or Not Active.
Actions – Click the ••• (available only for Active
stores), with options for Settings (the store’s general Online
Ordering Settings page), Throttling (the store’s Online Ordering
Throttling Settings page), and Delivery Zones (the store’s Delivery
Zones Settings page).

General – Set the following:
Store Name - Greyed out (cannot be updated).
Phone Number – Greyed out (cannot be updated).
Store URL – The URL of the store appears.
Description (Optional) – Brief description of the store - such as a tagline or catch phrase - with an option to show the description on the page’s banner. Select the Show description on banner box to display the entered Description text on the banner.

Store Logo and Banner Back Ground. Click the image upload (document icon with up arrow
), and a file navigation pop-up appears. Navigate to where the image is, then double-click the image or single-click and click Open.
Accepted image files are in JPG OR PNG format only. Maximum 2MB file size. Recommended resolution: 400px by 400px for Logo, and 1300px by 280px for Banner.
- Store Address – To edit the displayed address, navigate to Back Office Settings > Store Settings > Location.

- Ordering Hours – Set the following:
- Select the Time Zone from the dropdown.

- For the three tabs (Store Time, Delivery Time, and Pick Up Time) – Displays a table with the Day, From, To and Status columns.
- Set the hours of the store (From and To, in HH:MM AM/PM format) by clicking on the Day’s corresponding clock icon to set the Hours, Minutes, and AM/PM.
- The To time cannot be prior to the From time.
- Status – Click the day’s corresponding button to toggle between Open or Close.

- Holiday Hours – If Enabled (YES), then specific single days can be set with special Open hours (from Open to Closed) - or as Closed. Check the Recurring box to repeat this date for every subsequent year.
- Example: In the below image, Christmas Day (12/25) is set as Closed with recurring every year.
- Select Delete (trash can icon at the end of a row) to delete the Holiday from the online ordering schedule.

- Order Settings – Enable (YES) or Disable (NO) the following toggles for the store:

- Enable Delivery – If Enabled, enter the Min Spent Amount (the minimum required on a bill for the customer to be able to order Delivery. If Disabled, deliver will not be available for the store via Online Ordering.

- Enable Pickup – If Enabled, the Pick Up order type will be available for the store via Online Ordering. If Disabled, it won’t be available.
- Enable Curbside Pickup – If Enabled, the Curbside Pickup order type will be available for the store via Online Ordering. If Disabled, it won’t be available.
- Enable ASAP Order – If Enabled, then ASAP (As Soon As Possible) will be available as a Delivery option from the store via Online Ordering. If Disabled, it won’t be available.
- Enable Future Order – If Enabled, set the Limit on the amount of Time (Days and Hours) in advance an Online Order can be placed. If Disabled, it won’t be available.

- Days – Enter the limit on the amount of days (numbers only), or use ▲▼ to change the value.
- Hours – Enter the limit on the amount of hours (numbers only), or use ▲▼ to change the value.
- Check Out – Enable (YES) or Disable (NO) the following toggles for the store:

Display Inclusive Tax – If Enabled, the inclusive tax will be displayed in Online Ordering carts. If Disabled, it won’t be displayed.
Enable Menu Item Notes – If Enabled, customers can include item notes when in Online Ordering. If Disabled, the option to add Notes will be unavailable.
Enable Coupon Code – If Enabled, the promo/coupon code field will be available during Online Ordering checkout so promo/coupon codes can be used. If Disabled, it won’t be available.
Disable Tips – If Enabled, the Tip field won’t appear. If Disabled, the Tip field will appear on the payment page for the customer to add any tip before payment.
Enable Charge Display Name – If Enabled, 3 additional fields will appear (Charge Name, and Amount or Percentage). The service charge based on the Amount/Percentage will be applied to the Customer’s check and appear on the Checkout page – with. If Disabled, the additional fields won’t appear and the service charge won't be applied.

- Charge Name – Enter the name of the service charge as it will appear on the check.
- Amount – If the charge will be a flat fee, enter the Amount here (or 0.00 if not a flat fee).
- Percentage – If the charge will be based on a percentage of the check, enter the Percentage here (or 0.00 if not a percentage).
- Payments – Enable (YES) or Disable (NO) the following toggles for the store:

- Online Payment – If Enabled, the Sale and Authorization checkboxes appear. If Disabled, online payment won’t be available.

If Sale is selected, the Batch process will be completed automatically and a ‘Do you want to continue?’ pop-up will appear for confirmation.

- If Authorization is selected, the Batch process will be done manually.
- Accept Credit Cards – If Enabled, credit cards will be accepted for online ordering payments for the store. Select the corresponding checkbox of the credit cards that the customer will be notified are accepted: Visa, American Express (AmEx), MasterCard, Discover, JCB, Diners Club International. If Disabled, credit cards won’t be accepted as payment for Online Orders at the store.

- Accept Cash Pay – If Enabled, Cash will be accepted as payment for Online Orders. If Disabled, it will not be accepted.
- Accept Gift Card – If Enabled, Gift Cards will be accepted as payment for Online Orders. If Disabled, they will not be accepted.
- Require Payment Before QR Menu Orders – If Enabled, payment will be required before any QR Menu Order. If Disabled, payment will be taken after a QR Menu Order.
- Notifications – Enable (YES) or Disable (NO) the following toggles for the store:

New Orders Notifications – If Enabled, the Email field appears where you enter one or more email addresses that will receive copies of new order notifications. If multiple email addresses are being entered, then separate each one with a comma (,). If Disabled, copies of new order notifications will not be sent.

SMS Notification – If Enabled, the checkboxes for Pending, Confirmed and Cancelled Orders appear – along with the Phone Number field. Check the corresponding boxes of the Order statuses to send copies of alerts for when updated. In the Phone Number field, enter the phone number(s) to send copies of the alerts to. If multiple phone numbers are being entered, then separate each one with a comma (,). If Disabled, SMS notifications will not be available.

Digital Gift Cards – If Enabled, Customers can purchase Digital Gift Cards from the Online Ordering website . The Limit Amount field will be displayed where the Customer can set the spending limit for Gift Cards (only numbers will be allowed). If Disabled, Gift Cards cannot be purchased from Online Ordering.

Links – Select the corresponding checkboxes of each app to link them (Facebook, Twitter [X], Instagram, TripAdvisor, and Yelp).

- Time Based Tab – Contains the setting to establish Prep times for Delivery and Pickup, including a breakdown of each service’s availability by the day of the week.
Delivery Preparation Time – (Optional) Enter the amount of time (in minutes) or use ▲ / ▼ to increase/decrease the value.
Pickup Preparation Time – (Optional) Enter the amount of time (in minutes) or use ▲ / ▼ to increase/decrease the value.

- Days of the Week (Monday – Sunday) – Enter the values for each field under each day.
Enable Delivery – If the box is selected, throttling settings will be applied for that day - for Delivery/Pickup/Curbside.
Enable Pickup/Curbside – If the box is selected, pickup/curbside will be available on that day.
Start Time – Set the time when the throttling rules for Delivery or Pickup services stop being applied (HH:MM AM/PM [clock view]).
End Time – Set the time the service’s availability will end (HH:MM AM/PM [clock view]).
NOTE: End Time must be later than the Start Time.
Time Period – Enter the designated timeframe (in minutes) during which the throttling rules (Maximum Orders) are actively applied.
Maximum Orders – Enter the maximum number of orders allowed for the service per day, or use ▲ / ▼ to increase/decrease the value.
Additional Wait Time – Enter any potential additional amount of time (in minutes) beyond the Time Period, or use ▲ / ▼ to increase/decrease the value.

Order & Crew Based Tab – Establish the settings for Crew and Delivery. ▲ / ▼ can be used to increase/decrease each value.
- Crew
- Order Per Crew – Enter the number of crew members per order.
- Base Quote Time – Enter the minimum amount of time (in minutes) for an order to be prepared.
- Maximum Orders Per Crew – Enter the maximum number of orders for the working crew.
- Additional Wait Time – Enter any potential additional minutes that may be needed.
- Delivery
- Deliveries Per Driver – Enter the number of deliveries for a driver.
- Base Quote Time – Enter the minimum amount of time for an order to be delivered.
- Maximum Orders Per Driver – Enter the maximum number of orders for the driver.
- Additional Wait Time – Enter any potential additional minutes that may be needed.
- Save – Click Save. The ‘Throttling settings saved successfully’ pop-up appears.
The store’s Delivery Zones Settings in table format, with the following columns:
No (Number) – Displays the serial number.
Name – Displays the name of the location.
Delivery Charge Cost – Displays the charge amount to deliver from the location (pre-defined under Delivery settings).

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