Back Office: Payroll Report Settings
- Sign
into the Back Office.
- On
the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings.

- On
the Settings page, under Reports click Payroll Report.

- On the Payroll Report page, 3 tabs appear: Settings, Overtime
Settings, and Manage Breaks.
Displays a toggle for Allow Over Tip Out,
dropdowns for Payroll Week Start Day and Default Payroll Process,
and a Minimum Age with an Hours limit.

Over Tip Out – Adds a tip adjustment with regards to age. If Enabled (YES), the tip out will be shared at Tip adjustment with the respective
Week Start Day – Select the starting day of payroll from the dropdown. All
7 days are available, and you’re only able to select 1 day.

Payroll Process – Select the cadence of the default payroll processing (Daily, Weekly, or Daily/Weekly).

Age – Enter the Age (years) and the number limit of Hours –
both mandatory. Enter the values, or use ▲ / ▼ to increase/decrease the values
by 1.

Click Save. The ‘Payroll settings
updated…’ confirmation banner appears.
Over Time Settings
The + OVERTIME button appears along
with a table that has columns for an Overtime’s Type, Effective Date, Hours, Percentage and Actions (with an Edit [pencil]

Click + Overtime. The New Over Time option appears.

the New Over Time window, set the selection for the Overtime (Daily or Weekly).

Daily | Weekly |

Workday – Grayed out, with a number value appearing.
Date – Select a Date (mandatory, calendar view).

Time 1 – Enter the Hours and Percentage.
 Enter the number values, or use ▲ / ▼ to
increase/decrease the value by 1.
Percentage –
(mandatory) since the employee is working beyond their normal required hours, the
Overtime pay should be more than the usual rate (greater than 100).
2 Hours – Enter the Hours and Percentage.

Enter the number values, or use ▲ / ▼ to
increase/decrease the value by 1.
Hours – (mandatory)
the value must be greater than the Over Time 1 Hours.
Percentage –
(mandatory) since the employee is working beyond their normal required hours, the
Overtime pay should be more than the usual rate (greater than 100).
3 Hours – Enter the Hours and Percentage.

Enter the number
values, or use ▲ / ▼ to increase/decrease the value by 1.
Hours – (mandatory) the value must be greater than the Over
Time 2 Hours.
Percentage – (mandatory) since the employee is working beyond
their normal required hours, the Overtime pay should be more than the usual
rate (greater than 100).
the new Over Time is set, click Save at the bottom right. You are
returned to the main Payroll Report screen with the Over Time Settings tab, the banner OT Saved Successfully appears at the top right. Click Cancel to cancel any Over Time updates and close the pane, then
return to the Payroll Report screen.
- Hours – (mandatory) Enter the number value, or use ▲ / ▼ to change the value by 1.
- Percentage – (mandatory) Enter the number value, or use ▲ / ▼ to change the value by 1.
Since the
employee is working beyond their normal required hours, the Overtime pay should
be more than the usual rate (greater than 100).
- Effective
Date – Select the date (calendar view).

- When
the new Over Time is set, click Save at the bottom right. You are
returned to the main Payroll Report screen with the Over Time Settings tab, the banner OT Saved Successfully appears at the top right.

- Click Cancel to cancel any Over Time updates and close the pane, then return to the Payroll Report screen.
: If Edit is
clicked, the field cannot be edited if it has passed the Effective Date.
A pop up appears with Okay and Cancel options, both of which
close the window.
If it has not
passed the effective date, the details can be edited.
Note: Based on the details filled in the payroll report settings, the report will
function accordingly.
Manage Breaks
the Manage Breaks tab, the + NEW BREAK button appears along with
a table that has columns for a Break’s Effective Date, Name, Payroll
Type, Duration, and Actions (with a Delete [trash
can] button).
ACTIVE / INACTIVE – Status indicator just
above the Effective Date column.
When it appears as ✓ ACTIVE, it means currently
active Breaks are being displayed.

When it appears as – INACTIVE,
it means currently inactive Breaks are being displayed, which cannot be

Click + New Break. The New Break window appears.

the Break Name from the dropdown.

the Duration (Minutes) – Type the value or use ▲▼ to increase/decrease
the value by 1 (maximum of 100). Only numbers are allowed.

Select the Effective Date (calendar view).

Type – Select Paid or Unpaid.
what to Apply To:
All Employees – All employees will be selected.
Specific Roles – Select one or more Roles or Select all.
Click a selected box again to deselect it.
Employees – Select one or more Employees or Select All. Click a selected box again to deselect it.

the new Break details are set, click Save. You are returned to
the main Payroll Report screen with the Manage Breaks tab, and the
banner ‘Break Settings Saved Successfully’ appears.
Click Cancel to cancel creating the new Break and return to same page and tab.
Actions – If Delete (trash can) is
clicked, the Delete pop-up with the message ‘Are you sure…?’ appears.
Click Delete to confirm and a ‘Break Settings Deleted Successfully’ confirmation appears - or click Cancel to keep the listed Break.

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