Back Office: POS Custom URL Application Settings

Back Office: POS Custom URL Application Settings

  1. Sign into the Back Office and select a Store.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, under Application click POS Custom URLs.

  4. POS Access URL – Toggle to Enabled (YES [Default]) to add URL Links (up to 10 can be added). If Disabled (NO), all created links will be deactivated.

  5. URL Links – Click + URL Link to create a new URL Link – or click the pencil icon to update an existing URL Link.

    1. Click the Trash Can icon then YES to delete an existing URL Link. You are returned to the POS Custom URLs page, and the POS Custom URL Inactivated Successfully confirmation message appears.

    2. The POS Custom URL pane appears, with fields for Name and URL, and a process for uploading an image to represent the URL:

  1. Enter the Name.
    1. Mandatory, maximum of 25 characters [can include numbers and spaces]).

  2. Enter the URL.
    1. Mandatory, must be a valid URL [link to a currently existing website], and cannot be the same as another currently existing URL Link – otherwise the message URL already exists appears).

  3. Image Upload (mandatory) – Click the Upload New Image  button. The Open explorer pop-up window appears. Find the image to represent the URL, then double-click it - or single-click then click Open.

    1. Only JPG or PNG files are accepted. The maximum file size is 2MB, with recommended dimensions of 400x400.

  4. When all updates are complete, click Save or Update at the bottom-right. If successful, you are returned to the main POS Custom URLs page and the banner message POS Custom URL Saved Successfully appears at the top-right.

    1. Click Cancel at the bottom-left or X Close at the top-right to cancel any pending changes and return to the POS Custom URLs screen.

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