Back Office: Printer Rerouting Hardware Settings

Back Office: Printer Rerouting Hardware Settings

  1. Sign into the Back Office.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, under Hardware click Printer Rerouting.

  4. On the Printer Rerouting page, select the tab of whether to Reroute By Node or Reroute By Role.

Reroute By Node
Reroute By Role
Reroute By Node
Displays all the Printers assigned for rerouting based on Node, with a table containing rows representing each added rerouting.

To add a Printer to be rerouted by Node (or edit an existing one):

  1. Click + Reroute By Node at the upper-right (or the corresponding pencil icon  under the Actions columns of an existing rerouting from the table). The Re-Route by Node pane appears.

  2. Select the Node from the dropdown, then select the From and To Printers.

  3. Select the Availability.

    1. All Days – The re-routing will occur every day.

      1. Restriction Time – If YES, enter the Start and End Times.

    2. Days Of Week

      1. Select the Days (Sunday to Saturday).

      2. Restriction Time – If YES, enter the Start and End Times.

    3. Days Of Month

      1. Select the Days (Calendar View, 1 to 31).

      2. Restriction Months – If YES, select the Month(s) when re-routing won’t apply.

      3. Restriction Time – If YES, enter the Start and End Times.

    4. Date Range

      1. Enter the Start and End Dates.

      2. Restriction Days – If YES, select the Days.

      3. Restriction Time – If YES, enter the Start and End Times.

    5. Specific Date

      1. Select Date – Select the Date the item will be available for sale.

      2. Restriction Time – If YES, select the Start and End Times.

    6. Date Range with Time
      1. Date Range – enter the Start and End Dates.

      2. Restriction Days – If YES, select the Days.

      3. Restriction Time – If YES, select the Start and End Times.

  4. When ready, click Save (or Update) at the bottom-right of the pane.
    1. Note: The Save / Update button won't be clickable unless all mandatory fields have been filled in.

  5. You are returned to the main Printer Rerouting page and Reroute by Node tab, with 'Printer Reroute Saved/Updated Successfully' confirmation pop-up appearing at the upper-right.

Reroute By Role
Displays all the Printers assigned to rerouting based on Role, with a table containing rows representing each added rerouting.

To add a Printer to be rerouted by Role (or edit an existing one):

  1. Click + Reroute By Role at the upper-right (or the corresponding pencil icon  under the Actions columns of an existing rerouting from the table). The Re-Route by Role pane appears.
    1. To delete a Rerouting, click the corresponding trash can icon . The Delete pop-up appears, then click Delete to confirm deletion of the Rerouting.

  2. Select the Role from the dropdown, then select the From and To Printers.

  3. Select the Availability.

    1. All Days – The re-routing will occur every day.
      1. Restriction Time – If YES, enter the Start and End Times.

    2. Days Of Week
      1. Select the Days (Sunday to Saturday).

      2. Restriction Time – If YES, enter the Start and End Times.

    3. Days Of Month
      1. Select the Days (Calendar View, 1 to 31).

      2. Restriction Months – If YES, select the Month(s) when re-routing won’t apply.

      3. Restriction Time – If YES, enter the Start and End Times.

    4. Date Range
      1. Enter the Start and End Dates.

      2. Restriction Days – If YES, select the Days.

      3. Restriction Time – If YES, enter the Start and End Times.

    5. Specific Date
      1. Select Date – Select the Date the item will be available for sale.

      2. Restriction Time – If YES, select the Start and End Times.

    6. Date Range with Time
      1. Date Range – enter the Start and End Dates.

      2. Restriction Days – If YES, select the Days.

      3. Restriction Time – If YES, select the Start and End Times.

  4. When ready, click Save (or Update) at the bottom-right of the pane.
    1. Note: The Save Update button won't be clickable unless all mandatory fields have been filled in.

  5. You are returned to the main Printer Rerouting page and Reroute by Role tab, with 'Printer Reroute Saved/Updated Successfully' confirmation pop-up appearing at the upper-right.

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