Back Office: Products/Items - Bulk Update

Back Office: Products/Items - Bulk Update

  1. Sign into the Back Office and select a Store.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Products/Items then Bulk Update. You are taken to the Bulk Update page.

  3. On the Bulk Update page, you can narrow down the Category / Sub Category options by selecting from the dropdowns (you can use the Search bar to narrow the options), then clicking Apply.

  4. When you have the list of Categories / Sub Categories you wish to update, enter the new Price(s) in the corresponding Change To column.
    1. The price difference between the Existing Price and Change To price will be reflected in the Change column. A price reduction will appear as red text with a - before it, while a price increase will appear as green text with a + before it.
    2. Tip: You can change the price of specific Serving Sizes, based on the Menu Item.

  5. When all the Change To prices are set, click Update Item Price at the top right.

  6. After a moment, the screen will refresh. The banner Bulk Update Updated Successfully appears, and the new Existing Prices are updated to the values entered in the corresponding Change To field.

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