Back Office: Products/Items - Departments
into the Back Office and select a Store.
the left-side Navigation Panel, click Products/Items then Departments.
Departments screen contains the Departments table with the
following columns:
– The name of the department (entered when creating the dept).
– Basic details about the department (entered when creating the dept).
– Buttons to Edit (pencil icon) or Delete (trash can) a Dept.
Active - By default, the
button will be set to Active and all Active Departments
Select Active
to change to Inactive, and shows deleted Departments appear. If
no deleted Departments appear, the message Departments not found
appears in the body of the table.
Select Inactive
to change back to Active. A pop-up appears which shows ‘Are you sure you want to activate this item’
with Cancel and Yes, Activate options.
Yes, Activate:
the ‘… Activated
Successfully’ pop-up appears.
Cancel: the pop-up will be
a New Department by clicking + NEW DEPARTMENT or edit an
existing Department by clicking the
pencil icon.

a Department:
the Name (mandatory).
the Code.
the Description.
applicable, slide the Include Membership toggle on (YES).
Save or Update when finished.

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