Back Office: Products/Items - Display Groups

Back Office: Products/Items - Display Groups

A Display Group is used to group Menu Items together, like a Category.

  1. Sign into the Back Office and select a Store.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Products/Items then Display Groups.

  3. On the Display Group screen: create a New Display Group by clicking + NEW DISPLAY GROUP or update an existing Display Group by clicking the  pencil icon.

  4. For a Display Group:
    1. General
      1. Set a POS Display Button for the Group to display as:

        1. Standard Color
          1. Click the small colorized square (next to the larger colorized square).
          2. Select the color by using the 2 sliders.

        2. Upload New Image
          1. Click the icon of the  document with the upwards facing arrow. A File Explorer pop-up window appears.
          2. Navigate to where your Display Button image is saved, then select the file and click Open or just double-click it.
            1. File FormatJPG or PNG
            2. File Size – Maximum of 2 MB
            3. Resolution – Recommended 400px by 400px

      2. Enter the Name – the name will appear as a caption for the Display Button.

    2. Menu Items
      1. You can add a Menu Item by searching for the name of the item or clicking the dropdown, then clicking the box next to the Item Name. You can delete them by clicking a checked box or clicking the corresponding trash can icon of a Name.

    3. Availability

      1. Always – Display Group will always be visible.

      2. Days Of Week
        1. Select the Days of the week you’d like the Display Group to be available.
        2. Set the Restriction Time by toggling it on (YES), then set the Start and End Times of the Restriction period.

      3. Days of Month
        1. Select the Days of a Month by clicking the numbers on the calendar.
        2. Set the Restriction by toggling it on (YES), then select the months to restrict view of the Display Group.
        3. Set the Restriction Time by toggling it on (YES), then set the Start and End Times of the Restriction period.

      4. Date Range
        1. Select the Start and End Dates by clicking the calendar icon, then select Day/Month/Year.

        2. Set the Restriction Days by toggling it on (YES), then select the months to restrict view of the Display Group.
        3. Set the Restriction Time by toggling it on (YES), then set the Start and End Times of the Restriction period.

      5. Specific Date
        1. Select a Date by clicking the calendar icon.
        2. Set the Restriction Time by toggling it on (YES), then set the Start and End Times of the Restriction period.


      6. Date Range with Time
        1. Select the Start and End Dates by clicking the calendar icon.
        2. Select the State and End Times by clicking the clock icon.
        3. Set the Available Days by toggling it on (YES), then set the Start and End Times of the Restriction period.
        4. Set the Restriction Days by toggling it on (YES), then set the Start and End Times of the Restriction period.


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