Back Office: Products/Items - Gift Cards

Back Office: Products/Items - Gift Cards

A Gift Card is a prepaid stored-value money card, usually issued by a retailer to be used as an alternative to cash for purchases at a particular store / business.

  1. Sign into the Back Office and select a Store.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Products/Items then Gift Cards. The Gift Cards page appears, which includes the + New Gift Card button along with a table of all the saved gift cards along with columns for Gift Card Number, Balance and Actions (Edit, Recharge, Delete).

Adding a New Gift Card
  1. Click + New Gift Card. The New Gift Card pane appears.
  2. Enter the Card Number. Only numbers are allowed, and cannot be longer than 25 digits.

  3. Enter the Balance (numbers only, up to 2 decimal places). When the Balance is entered, the Payment Methods field appears.

  4. Select the Payment Method (Cash, Card or Discount 100%) to purchase the card.

    1. Cash – No additional options options to select.

    2. Card
      – Select the Card Type (mandatory) from the dropdown (Visa, Master, Amex, etc.) and the Last 4 Digits
      of the card (mandatory).

    3. Discount 100% – The gift card will be 100% discounted. No additional options to select.

  5. When you’re ready to save the new gift card, click Save at the bottom-right. You are returned to the main Gift Cards page with the confirmation message ‘Gift Card Saved Successfully’ appearing at the upper-right, and the gift card will be saved.
    1. To cancel creating the gift card, click Cancel. You’re returned to the main screen.

  1. Click Edit to update the Gift Card. The Update Gift Card pane appears.

  2. Update the Card Number and Balance, as needed.

  3. Once the Balance is updated, the Payment Methods option will appear where you can change the Payment Method.

  4. When needed updates to the gift card have been made, click Update at the bottom-right.

  5. The gift card is updated, and you are returned to the main Gift Cards page where the ‘Gift Card Updated Successfully’ confirmation message appears.
    1. To cancel the update, click Cancel. The pane closes and you return to the Gift Cards page.


  1. Click Recharge to update the amount on the gift card.

  2. The Recharge Gift Card pane appears, with the Card Number field greyed out and the Recharge value able to be edited. Enter a new Recharge value then select a Payment Method.

  3. When you’ve entered the Recharge information to the gift card, click Save at the bottom-right.

  4. The Gift Card is recharged, and you are returned to the main Gift Cards page where the ‘Gift Card Amount Credited Successfully’ confirmation message appears.

  1. Click Delete to delete the gift card. The Delete pop-up appears.

  2. Click Delete again to confirm deletion, and the confirmation message ‘Gift Card Inactivated Successfully’.
    1. Or Cancel / X Close to keep the gift card.

  1. Account Level Gift Card – When Account Level Gift Card toggle is Enabled (YES) in Admin level settings, then this gift card will be applicable for all the stores under that account.
  2. Store Level Gift Card – This card applies only to the store it was created under.

  1. Active  – (Default) All active gift cards are displayed.
  2. Inactive  – All inactive gift cards are displayed.
    1. For an Inactive gift card, click the circled check mark under Actions  to activate it. The Activate pop-up appears. Click Yes, Activate to confirm activating the gift card. The gift card is activated and is removed from the Inactive table. The confirmation banner ‘Gift Card Activated Successfully’ appears at the top-right. Click Cancel / X Close to cancel activating the gift card.

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