Back Office: Products/Items - Item Service Charge
into the Back Office and select a Store.
- On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Products/Items
then Item Service Charge (the bottom dropdown option). The Item
Service Charge page appears.

– (Default) All active service charges are
displayed. Inactive
– All inactive service charges are displayed. For an Inactive service charge, click the
circled check mark under Actions
to activate it. The Activate pop-up
appears. Click Yes, Activate to confirm activating the service charge.
The service charge is activated and is removed from the Inactive table. The
confirmation banner ‘Service Charge Activated Successfully’
appears at the top-right. Click Cancel / X Close to cancel
activating the service charge.
Create a New Service Charge
To create a new service charge, click + New Item Service Charge, or to update an existing service charge click its corresponding pencil icon. The New / Update Item Service Charge pane appears.

Name – (Mandatory) Enter the item service charge’s name. It can’t exceed 25 characters.
Percentage – (Mandatory) Enter the percentage of the item service charge (numbers only, up to 3 decimal places and cannot exceed 100.000).

Taxes – Select all Taxes (created in Back Office) that apply from the dropdown or click the Select All box for all of them.
To de-select a Tax, click the corresponding checked box. To de-select all the currently selected Taxes, click the x at the dropdown header.

When you’re ready to create the new service charge click Save (or update an existing service charge click Update). You are returned to the Item Service Charge screen with a confirmation message appearing at the upper-right. If it’s a newly created service charge, it will now appear as a row in the table.
To cancel creating or updating a service, click X Close or Cancel.
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