Back Office: Products/Items - Modifier Groups

Back Office: Products/Items - Modifier Groups

  1. Sign into the Back Office.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Products/Items then Modifier Groups. The Modifier Groups screen appears.

Modifier Group Table

If a Modifier Group was imported, it will be automatically populated in the table. If the spreadsheet was exported, the Modifier Group will upload via the sheet. If no modifier group exists, the message ‘Modifier Group not found’ appears.
  1. The table contains columns for Name, Pizza Topping, Serving Size Levels and Modifiers, with Actions for Edit (Pencil) and Delete (Trash Can).

    1. Name – Name of the Modifier Group.
    2. Pizza ToppingYes or No (toggle selection)
    3. Serving Size Level – When price is set.
    4. Modifiers – Selected modifiers within the group.
    5. Edit / Update – Update screen will open for updating and publishing changes.
    6. Click Delete. Click Delete again on the pop-up to confirm or Cancel to keep the group.
    7. Active  All Active modifier groups will be visible in the list.
    8. Inactive  All Inactive modifier groups will be visible in the list. When an Inactive modifier group is clicked, a reminder message is displayed along with Yes and No buttons. If Yes is clicked, the Inactive modifier will be moved to the Active list and message and a confirmation message appears.

Create A New Modifier Group

  1. Click + New Modifier Group (or the pencil icon on an existing Modifier Group). The New /Update Modifier Group page appears.
  2. Name (Mandatory) Enter the Name of the Modifier Group. It can’t exceed 25 characters.
  3. Priority – (Mandatory) Enter the priority number (where the modifier group will be positioned in POS, lower number = higher priority), or use ▲/▼ to increase/decrease the value.
  4. Pizza Topping If Enabled (YES), the Cut and Modify options will be available for this Modifier Group. If Disabled (NO), they won’t be available for this Modifier Group.
  5. Hide Modifier Group If Enabled (YES), this modifier group will not be viewable in POS. If Disabled (NO), it will be viewable in POS.

  6. Modifiers – Click the Search Modifiers dropdown. Select the modifiers to add to this group. To remove a Modifier from the group, click the corresponding trash can icon to the right of the row. To hide a modifier from online ordering.

  7. Price – If Enabled (YES), the price for a Serving Size level can be set in BO. Select the Serving Size from the dropdown then enter the Price. To add a new Serving Size level and price, click + Serving Size Level. Can delete serving size level with help of delete button. To delete a Serving Size Level, click the corresponding trash can icon to the right of the row. If Disabled (NO), the price can’t be set.

  8. When you’re ready to create the Modifier Group, click Save and Publish. The Basic Details and Serving Sizes will be saved and moved to inventory details. The button won’t be available until all mandatory fields are filled in.

  9. Inventory Menu Item Mapping - When a Modifier is added to the Modifier Group and all the mandatory fields are added, click Save and Publish. The added modifier group will be saved successfully. The display message will be displayed as ‘Please add basic details and link the modifier to the modifier group before entering Proceed to Inventory Menu Item Mapping’. This added Modifier Group will be attached to any of the Menu Items on the Product/Items screen.

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