Back Office: Products/Items - Modifiers

Back Office: Products/Items - Modifiers

  1. Sign into the Back Office.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Products/Items then Modifiers.

  3. On the Modifiers screen: create a New Modifier by clicking + NEW MODIFIER or update an existing Modifier by clicking the  pencil icon.

  4. For a Modifier:

    1. Basic Details - General
      1. Click the small colorized square (next to the larger colorized square).
      2. Select the color by using the 2 sliders to select the new color for the POS Display Button.

      3. Enter the Name (mandatory). The name will appear on the POS Display Button.
      4. Enter any Secondary Name and PLU Code.
      5. Enter the Maximum No of Times (mandatory) and any product to Modify With.
      6. Enter any Short Form for the modifier.

    2. Basic Details - Tax
      1. Slide the Inherit Default Tax Settings to the right (ON) to apply it to the Modifier, or select the individual Taxes by clicking them.

      2. Create a new Tax by clicking + NEW TAX. On the New Tax pane, enter the Name of the Tax and either the Amount or Percentage being taken.
      3. For the Percentage, identify if it’s a Default Tax and/or an Inclusive Tax.
      4. Click Save when the New Tax is set.

    3. Basic Details – Visibility
      1. Select whether you’d like to Show the Modifier.
      2. Select whether you’d like to Show the Menu Item In the Print version of the Modifier.
      3. Select whether you’d like to Show the Modifier in the Print version of the Menu.

    4. Basic Details - Kitchen Printers
      1. Select from the existing Kitchen Printer(s).

      2. Also, you can add a new Kitchen Printer by clicking + New Kitchen Printer, with a Printer Type of Printer or KDS.
        1. Printer
          1. Select the Printer Model from the dropdown.
          2. Enter the printer’s Name.
          3. Enter the printer’s IP Address [typically 3 sets of numbers separated by a period (.)].
          4. Toggle whether to Enable the Service Type Restriction and to Apply To All Categories.
          5. Click Save when the new Printer is set.

        2. KDS
          1. Enter the printer’s Name.
          2. Enter the printer’s IP Address [typically 3 sets of numbers separated by a period (.)].
          3. Toggle whether to Enable the Service Type Restriction and to Apply To All Categories.
          4. Click Save when the new Printer is set.

    5. Prefixes and Serving Size Levels – Prefixes
      1. Update an existing Prefix by clicking in the Prefix Name or Price Field and entering the new value, or toggling the Override Modifier Price Off/On.
      2. To add a new Prefix, click + Add Prefix (which adds a new row to enter another Prefix Name and Price, and toggle for Override Modifier Price.
      3. To delete an existing Prefix, click the Trash Can icon to its right.

    6. Prefixes and Serving Sizes – Serving Sizes
      1. Set whether you’d like to Set the Price of serving sizes.
      2. To add a new Serving Size, click + Add Serving Size Level, then select from the dropdown. If it’s a long list, you can use the Search bar to find your selection more quickly.
      3. For each Serving Size, enter a Price for the Serving Size and each Prefix.
      4. To delete an existing Serving Size, click the Trash Can icon to its right.

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