Back Office: Products/Items - Products/Items

Back Office: Products/Items - Products/Items

  1. Sign into the Back Office.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Products/Items then Products/Items.

  3. On the Products/Items screen, click + New Menu Item or click the ••• under Actions to Edit, Copy or Delete a Menu Item.

  4. For a Menu Item:

    1. General – POS Display Button: Set a POS Display Button for the Menu Item to appear as.

      1. Standard Color
        1. Click the small colorized square (next to the larger colorized square).
        2. Select the color by using the 2 sliders.

      2. Select An Image From The Gallery
        1. Click the second button option to choose a brand image from the gallery.

        2. You can scroll through the gallery and/or use the Search bar to find an option based on brand name or item type.

        3. Once you click an image, you will be returned to the New Menu Item screen with the image assigned as the POS Display Button. When you mouse over the image, the Trash Can icon appears. If the icon is clicked, the image is removed as your POS Display Button and is replaced by the color option.

      3. Upload New Image
        1. Click the icon of the  document with the upwards facing arrow. A File Explorer pop-up window appears.
        2. Navigate to where your Display Button image is saved, then select the file and click Open or just double-click it.

          1. File FormatJPG or PNG
          2. File Size – Maximum of 2 MB
          3. Resolution – Recommended 400px by 400px

    2. General – Name:  Enter the Name (mandatory) – the name will appear as a caption for the Display Button.

    3. General – Secondary Name, PLU Code, Preparation Time, Kitchen Printer Name: Enter values for the fields (or use ▲▼ to set the Prep Time) all optional.

    4. General – Category, Sub-Category, Description
      1. Select a Category (and Sub-Category if applicable). Scroll through the options or Search.
      2. Enter any Description to provide more information about the Menu Item.

    5. Pricing/Cost - Select Menu Type
      1. Menu Item
        1. Select whether there should be Conversational UI at the POS.
        2. Select if the Item can be Cut and Modified. If YES, enter the number of Slices (enter the value or use ▲▼ to set the value).
      2. Menu Item With Serving Size
        1. Select whether there should be Conversational UI at the POS.
        2. Select if the Item can be Cut and Modified. If YES, enter the number of Slices (enter the value or use ▲▼ to set the value).

      3. Open Item (no additional selections needed)
      4. Scale Item Select the Tare Group and Default Tare from the dropdowns (Scroll through the options or Search.

      5. Combo Item
        1. Select the Menu Item and Serving Size from the dropdowns.
        2. Enter the Number of Servings [S. No] (enter the value or use ▲▼ to set the value).
        3. Enter the Unit Price.
        4. Click the Red Trash Can button to delete a Combo Item.

    6. Pricing/Cost – Set Price
      1. For Cost Type, select Fixed or Variable. If Fixed is selected, the Cost field also appears below.
      2. The Price Level Settings toggle appears for all Menu Types except Combo Item. If YES is selected, the Level field will also appear below.

    7. Pricing/Cost – Tax
      1. Slide the Inherit Tax from Categories Settings to the right (ON) to apply it to the Menu Item, or select the individual Taxes by clicking them. Click Show All to expand the options, then Hide to return to the original group.

      2. Create a new Tax by clicking + NEW TAX. On the New Tax pane, enter the Name of the Tax and either the Amount or Percentage being taken.
      3. For the Percentage, identify if it’s a Default Tax and/or an Inclusive Tax.
      4. Click Save when the New Tax is set.

    8. Visibility
      1. Select whether to Hide: in the Kiosk, POS (or just the Item Picture), or during an Online Order.
      2. Select whether this will be viewable as an EBT Menu Item.
      3. Select whether this will be a part of an 86 List.

    9. Availability
      1. Always Display Group will always be visible.
      2. Days Of Week
        1. Select the Days of the week you’d like the Menu Item to be available.
        2. Set the Restriction Time by toggling it on (YES), then set the Start and End Times of the Restriction period.

        3. Set the Available Time by toggling it on (YES), then set the Start and End Times of the Restriction period. To add a new Available Time period, click + Add New Time, then enter the Start and End Times for the new Available Time period.

      3. Days Of Month
        1. Select from the Days of the Month (Calendar view).

        2. Select whether there’s Available / Restriction Months, and if YES select the Month(s).
          1. Note: If a Month is Available it cannot also be Restriction, and vice versa.
        3. Select whether there’s Restriction / Available Time, and if YES enter the specific Time(s).
          1. Note: If there are multiple periods of Available Time, click + Add New Time then add the Start and End Times.
          2. Note: A Time period cannot be both Restriction and Available.

      4. Date Range
        1. Select the Start and End Dates.

        2. Select whether there’s Available / Restriction Days, and if YES select the Day(s).
          1. Note: If a Day is Available it cannot also be Restriction, and vice versa.
        3. Select whether there’s Restriction / Available Time, and if YES enter the specific Time(s).
          1. Note: If there are multiple periods of Available Time, click + Add New Time then add the Start and End Times.
          2. Note: A Time period cannot be both Restriction and Available.

      5. Specific Date
        1. Enter the Date (when the Category will be available on Sales Channels).
        2. Select whether there’s Restriction / Available Time, and if YES enter the specific Time(s).
          1. Note: If there are multiple periods of Available Time, click + Add New Time then add the Start and End Times.
          2. Note: A Time period cannot be both Restriction and Available.

      6. Date Range with Time
        1. Enter the Date Range with Start and End Dates.
        2. Enter the Available Times with Start and End Times.
        3. Select whether there’s Available / Restriction Days, and if YES select the Day(s).
          1. Note: If a Day is Available it cannot also be Restriction, and vice versa.
        4. Select whether there’s Restriction Time, and if YES enter the specific Time.

    10. Kitchen Printers
      1. Slide the Inherit Default Kitchen Printers Settings to the right (ON) to apply it to the Category, or select the individual Kitchen Printers by clicking them.

      2. Create a new Printer by clicking + New Kitchen Printer. On the New Kitchen Printer pane:

        1. Printer Type - Printer
          1. Select a Printer Model from the dropdown.
          2. Enter the Name and IP Address for the printer.
          3. For Enable Service Type Restriction, if you select YES then select the Service Types to Allow (click Show All to expand to the full group of options, or Hide to return to the original group).
          4. Select whether to Apply To All Categories. If YES, then select whether to Apply To All Menu Items.
          5. Select whether to Print To Go items.
          6. Click Save when the Printer Type is set.

        2. Printer Type – KDS
          1. Enter the Name and IP Address.

          2. For Enable Service Type Restriction, if you select YES then select the Service Types to Allow (click Show All to expand to the full group of options, or Hide to return to the original group).
          3. Select whether to Apply To All Categories. If YES, then select whether to Apply To All Menu Items.
          4. Select whether to Print To Go items.
          5. Click Save when the Printer Type is set.

    11. Label Printers
      1. Slide the Inherit Default Label Printers Settings to the right (ON) to apply it to the Category, or select the individual Label Printers by clicking them.

      2. Create a new Label Printer by clicking + New Label Printer. On the New Kitchen Printer pane, select a Printer Type:
        1. Kitchen Label
          1. Select a Printer Model from the dropdown.
          2. Enter the Name and IP Address for the printer.

          3. For Enable Service Type Restriction, if you select YES then select the Service Types to Allow (click Show All to expand to the full group of options, or Hide to return to the original group).

          4. Select whether to Apply To All Categories. If YES, then select whether to Apply To All Menu Items.
          5. Click Save when the Kitchen Label is set.
        2. Box Label
          1. Select a Printer Model from the dropdown. 
          2. Enter the Name and IP Address for the printer.

          3. For Enable Service Type Restriction, if you select YES then select the Service Types to Allow (click Show All to expand to the full group of options, or Hide to return to the original group).
          4. Select whether to Apply To All Categories. If YES, then select whether to Apply To All Menu Items.
          5. Click Save when the Box Label is set.

    12. Restrict Printers
      1. Slide the Inherit Default Restrict Printers Settings to the right (ON) to apply it to the Category, or select the individual Label Printers by clicking them (click Show All to expand to the full group of options, or Hide to return to the original group).

    13. Included Modifier These Modifiers are attached to Menu Items as additional options while ordering.
      1. Click + Add Included Modifiers.
      2. Select the Modifier Group and Modifier from the dropdowns.
      3. Select whether there’s an Alternate Modifier Group. If YES, then select from the dropdown.
      4. Select whether to Override prefix upcharges.

    14. Mandatory Modifier Groups These Modifiers are attached to Menu Items as additional options while ordering – and are MANDATORY at POS.
      1. Click + Add Mandatory Modifier Group.

      2. Select the Modifier Group from the dropdown.
      3. Enter the Display Order then the Minimum and Maximum Quantity (enter the value or use ▲▼ to set the value).
      4. Select whether to Jump With Minimum Quantity.
      5. Price - Select whether there will be an Override Price. If YES, enter the Price for Each.
      6. Price - Select whether there will be a Tiered Price. If YES, click + Set Tiered Price.
        1. Select the Serving Size from the dropdown.
        2. Click + Add Tiered Price.
        3. For each Tiered Price added: enter the Quantity, Set Price For (Each or All), and Price. If you need to add another Tiered Price, click + Add Tiered Price.

    15. Optional Modifier Group These Modifiers are attached to Menu Items as additional options while ordering – and are OPTIONAL at POS.
      1. Click + Add Optional Modifier Group.

      2. Select the Modifier Group from the dropdown.
      3. Enter the Display Order then the Minimum and Maximum Quantity (enter the value or use ▲▼ to set the value).
      4. Price - Select whether there will be an Override Price. If YES, enter the Price for Each.
      5. Price - Select whether there will be a Tiered Price. If YES, click + Set Tiered Price.
        1. Select the Serving Size from the dropdown.
        2. Click + Add Tiered Price.
        3. For each Tiered Price added: enter the Quantity, Set Price For (Each or All), and Price. If you need to add another Tiered Price, click + Add Tiered Price.

    16. Inventory Details
      1. Click (5) Inventory Details.

      2. Under Inventory, you can add Inventory Item(s), Sub-Recipe(s), and Manual Entr(ies).
        1. Inventory Item
          1. Click + Add Inventory Item.
          2. Select a Level from the dropdown (Category or Sub Category).
          3. Select a Category from the dropdown, then select the Sub Category (if Sub Category was selected for Level) from the dropdown.
          4. Select an Item and Recipe Unit (measurement) from the dropdown.
          5. Enter the Unit Price (it may auto-populate based on the Item and Recipe Unit).
          6. Enter the Quantity (enter the value or use ▲▼ to set the value).
          7. Enter the Cost (it may auto-populate based on the Unit Price and Quantity).

        2. Sub-Recipe
          1. Click + Add Sub-Recipe.
          2. Select an Item from the dropdown.
          3. Select a Recipe Unit (measurement) from the dropdown.
          4. Enter the Unit Price (it may auto-populate based on the Item and Recipe Unit).
          5. Enter the Quantity (enter the value or use ▲▼ to set the value).
          6. Enter the Cost (it may auto-populate based on the Unit Price and Quantity).

        3. Manual Entry
          1. Click + Add Manual Entry.
          2. Enter the name of the Manual Entry item.
          3. Enter the Unit Price.
          4. Enter the Quantity (enter the value or use ▲▼ to set the value).
          5. Enter the Cost (it may auto-populate based on the Unit Price and Quantity).

      3. At the bottom-right of the Inventory Details, you’ll see the Totals from Inventory, Sub-Recipe and Manual Entry, followed by the Total Cost then final Menu Price.

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