Back Office: Products/Items - Sort Menu Config
into the Back Office.
the left-side Navigation Panel, click Products/Items then Sort Menu

Sort Menu Config screen appears, which displays the list of all Menu
Items, along with Categories, Sub Categories, Display Groups, and Menu
Items – with a Save button at the top-right of the screen.

Categories or Display Groups - The
list of all the saved Categories or Displayed Groups - with a Sort By dropdown
and < Left and Right > arrows for navigation.
Right Arrow > - When clicked, you proceed to the right on the list
of tiles.
Left Arrow
< - When clicked, you proceed
to the left on the list of tiles.

Sub-Categories – If a Category
is connected to a Sub Category, the Sub Category attached to the selected
Category (highlighted in pink) will be displayed.
Sort By is
available for Sub Categories.

Menu Items – If clicking a particular
Sub Category under a Category, the list of Menu Items
under the Sub Category will appear.

If a Sub Category isn’t connected to a Category,
the list of Menu Items is displayed directly under the Category.

Sort By is
available for Menu Items.
you’ve performed all your required sorting, click Save. Your sort
settings will be saved, and the confirmation message ‘Items sorted
successfully’ appears.
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