Back Office: Products/Items - Taxes

Back Office: Products/Items - Taxes

  1. Sign into the Back Office.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Products/Items then Taxes.

  3. On the Taxes screen, click + New Tax or the Pencil icon to update an existing Tax.

  4. On the New Tax screen:
    1. Enter the Name (Mandatory) and any applicable Code.

    2. Select the Tax Type.
      1. Amount – Enter the Amount ($) (Note: this can only be applied to an Item).

      2. Percentage – Enter the Percentage (%) (Note: this can be applied to any option).

    3. Select whether to Include the Tax in the Daily Summary Report.
    4. If the Tax Type is Percentage, select which type to Apply To:
      1. Item
        1. Select whether it is Inclusive.
        2. Select whether it is the Default Tax.
        3. Select whether it is Quantity Based. If Yes, click + Add Percentage then enter the Quantity thresholds and corresponding Percentage. (Note: Quantity Based negates the Inclusive option).

      2. Check
        1. Enter the Check Amount ($).
        2. Enter whether to Apply On Subtotal.

      3. Tax On Item Tax - Select the applicable Item(s) (Click Show All to expand the options).

      4. Tax On Check Tax – Select which option to Apply.

    5. When finished, click Save and Publish (or Update and Publish) at the top-right.

  5. Deleting An Existing Tax
    1. If you’d like to Delete an existing Tax, click the Trash Can icon. The Delete pop-up window appears then click Delete to confirm. If you’d like to keep the Tax as Active, click Cancel or X Close.

  6. Active / Inactive Taxes
    1. The Active button means the Taxes currently being viewed are currently Active. To view Inactive (Deleted) Taxes, click the Active button which will change to Inactive.

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