Back Office: Products/Items - Upcharges

Back Office: Products/Items - Upcharges

  1. Sign into the Back Office then select a Store.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Products/Items then Upcharges.

  3. The Upcharges page appears. It contains a table of existing Upcharges, along with functionality for Active, Search, Columns, and Pagination.
    1. Active By default, the button will be set to Active and all Active Upcharges appear.
      1. Select Active to change to Inactive, and shows deleted Upcharges appear. If no deleted Upcharges appear, the message Upcharges not found appears in the body of the table.
      2. Select Inactive to change back to Active. A pop-up appears which shows ‘Are you sure you want to activate this item’ with Cancel and Yes, Activate options.
        1. Yes, Activate: the ‘Adjust Inventory Reason Activated Successfully’ pop-up appears.
        2. Cancel: the pop-up will be closed.
    2. Upcharges Table – Contains columns for Name and Actions.
      1. Name – The name of the upcharge (entered when creating the upcharge).
      2. Actions – Options to Edit (pencil icon) or Delete (trash can icon).

  4. On the Upcharges page, to create a new Upcharge click + New Upcharge at the top-right of the page, or click the pencil icon of the existing Upcharge you want to update.

  5. On the Upcharge page that appears, enter (or update as needed) the below info:
    1. Enter the Name (mandatory, maximum of 25 characters).
    2. For Upcharge, select Dollar [$] or Percentage [%], then enter the value.
      1. If you select Percentage (%), select whether to Include Additional Modifiers.

    3. Select the Level Type:
      1. Category – Select the Categor(ies) from the dropdown. You can type the name of the Category in the Search bar to select it faster.

      2. Subcategory – Select the Subcategor(ies) from the dropdown.

      3. Menu Item - Select the Menu Item(s) from the dropdown.

    4. Select the Availability:

      1. Always – The Upcharge will always be visible.

      2. Days Of Week
        1. Select the Days of the week you’d like the Menu Item to be available.
        2. Set the Restriction Time by toggling it On (YES), then set the Start and End Times of the Restriction period.

        3. Set the Available Time by toggling it on (YES), then set the Start and End Times of the Available Time period. To add a new Available Time period, click + Add New Time, then enter the Start and End Times for the new Available Time period.

      3. Days Of Month
        1. Select from the Days of the Month (Calendar view).

        2. Select whether there’s Restriction Months, and if YES select the Month(s).

        3. Select whether there’s Restriction Times, and if YES enter the Start and End Times.

      4. Date Range
        1. Select the Start and End Dates.

        2. Select whether there’s Restriction Days, and if YES select the Day(s).

        3. Select whether there’s Restriction Time, and if YES enter the Start and End Times.

      5. Specific Date
        1. Enter the Date (when the Upcharge will be available on Sales Channels).
        2. Select whether there’s a Restriction Time, and if YES enter the specific Time.

      6. Date Range with Time
        1. Enter the Date Range with Start and End Dates.
        2. Enter the Restriction Time with Start and End Times.

        3. Select whether there’s Restriction Days, and if YES select the specific Day(s).

    5. Choose whether to Restrict Visibility by Role. If Yes, select the Roles that are eligible for this Discount. Click Show All to view all the Role options.

  6. When complete, click Save and Publish (or if updating, Update and Publish).

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