Back Office: Scale Barcode Addon Settings

Back Office: Scale Barcode Addon Settings

  1. Sign into the Back Office and select a Store.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings. The Settings page appears.

  3. Under Addons click Scale Barcode. The Scale Barcode screen appears.

  4. The Scale Barcode screen contains a table with columns for Name, Prefix/Variable Type, PLU Code, Price Details, and Weight Details. Also, there are actions for Edit (Pencil) and Delete (Trash Can).

  5. Click + New Scale Barcode to create a new barcode. The New Scale Barcode pane appears. Also, you can click the corresponding Edit (Pencil) of an existing barcode and the Update Scale Barcode pane appears.

    1. Variable Type Name – (Mandatory) Enter the Name, which cannot exceed 25 characters.

    2. Prefix/Variable Type – (Mandatory) Enter Type, which can only be a 2-digit value (00 to 99).
      1. For the PLU Code, only numeric values can be entered. It can’t exceed 50 digits. It will be configured to be read as a menu item barcode.

    3. PLU Start Position – Enter the starting position, or use ▲/▼ to change the value.

    4. PLU No. of Digits – Enter the number of digits, or use ▲ or ▼ to change the value.

    5. Set Scale By – Set the Scale By Price (Default) or Weight. The scale will be set based on the selection.

      1. Price – Enter the Price Start Position and Price No. of Digits. Numeric values only.

      2. Weight – Enter the Weight Start Position and Weight No. of Digits. Numeric values only.

  6. Click Save or Update at the bottom-right to save updates to the barcode. For a newly created barcode, it will be added to the POS and appear in the Scale Barcode table. You must fill in all mandatory fields before being able to save.
    1. Click X Close at the top-right (or Cancel at the bottom-left) to close the pane without saving updates and return to the main Scale Barcode screen.

Example of Scale Barcode Settings

A screenshot of a barcode

Description automatically generated            A label on a yellow package

Description automatically generated

Note: The above barcode was generated by a scale with Barcode printing capabilities, not by Linga.

How to extract information from a 12 digits barcode for programming in Linga

  1. Variable Type Name: Weighted Item
    1. Name of the barcode type.

  1. Prefix: 2
    1. The leading digit 2 identifies the barcode as a weight-based item in North America. (Highlighted in green)
  2. PLU Starting Position: 2
    1. The PLU for this item is 00129. It starts at position 2 in the barcode. (Highlighted in yellow)
  3. PLU Number of Digits: 5
    1. The PLU contains 5 digits (00129), so the configured value is 5.
  4. Set Scale by Price
    1. Price Starting Position: 7
      1. The price starts at position 7 in this barcode format. The item's price is $23.63. (Highlighted in blue)
    2. Price Number of Digits: 5
      1. This barcode format allows up to 5 digits for the price, meaning the value entered is 5.
  5. Check Digit
    1. The last digit in the barcode is a check digit, used for error detection. This digit is automatically calculated using the Modulus-10 algorithm and is not manually configured. It is not highlighted in the barcode. We will not be using the check digit for our setting shown above

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