Back Office: Store Business Hours Settings

Back Office: Store Business Hours Settings

  1. Sign into the Back Office.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, under Store click Business Hours.

  4. For Set Business Hours By, select Store Hours or Shifts.

Store Hours
Store Hours
  1. For each Day, select whether the store is Open or Closed.
    1. If Open, select the times for when the Store is Open at and Closed at.
    2. If Closed, the Open at and Closed at fields will be empty.

  2. Choose whether to Require Confirmation
    1. If Yes, a Confirm pop-up appears where you’ll need to confirm that you’ll close each day manually, and if not closed manually multiple days will merge into single day. Click Cancel or Yes, Reset.

  3. Select whether to Close All Active Tills and Close All Active Employees.

  4. Select whether to Close Opened Checks.
    1. If Yes, select how you’ll be Closing Opened Checks (Cash or Void).

  1. To add a new Shift, click + Add Shift.

  2. Enter the Shift Name.
  3. Enter the times the Shift will Open at and Closed at.
  4. To remove a Shift, click the Trash Can icon.

  5. When complete, click Update.

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