Back Office: Store Information Settings

Back Office: Store Information Settings

  1. Sign into the Back Office and select a Store.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, under Store click Store Information.

  4. On the Store page, fill in the following fields:

  5. General

    1. Store Name(Mandatory) Enter the Registered Business Name.

    2. Store ID – Enter any unique Code / Number for the specific store.

    3. Account Type (Mandatory) Select Restaurant or Retail from the dropdown.

    4. Business Type (Mandatory) Select the service type from the dropdown.

    5. Phone Number – Enter the listed Phone Number for the Registered Business location.

    6. Gift Card Email – Enter the email address that any electronic Gift Cards will be sent from.

  6. Store Image

    1. Store Logo. If selected, click the Upload New Image  button and select your file.

      1. jpg or .png
      2. Maximum of 2 MB
      3. 400x400 resolution

    2. The uploaded image will have the Store Name at the bottom.

  7. Language

    1. Click the Languages dropdown and select the checkbox of up to 3 languages.

    2. Select the Default Language from the dropdown (based off your Languages selections).

  8. Location – There are 2 methods for filling in the store’s Location:

    1. Click Get My Location to auto fill each Address field based on your current location with the device you’re using.

    2. Manually enter each Location field: Street, Apt/Suite/etc. (optional), City, State, ZIP.

  9. Select the Time Zone from the dropdown. You can Search to narrow the options.

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