Back Office: Store Notifications Settings

Back Office: Store Notifications Settings

  1. Sign into the Back Office and select a Store.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, under Store click Notifications.

  4. On the Notifications screen: there is a YES/NO toggle for the following options:

    1. Discount: If Enabled (YES), enter the discount amount in the Discount Limit field (numeric values only), and the Notify By option will appear with two checkboxes Text & Email.

    2. Void: If Enabled (YES), enter the Void amount in the Void Limit field (numeric values only), and the Notify By option will appear with two checkboxes Text & Email.

    3. Max No Cash Drawer Accessed For No Sale: If Enabled (YES), enter the limit amount in the Limit field (numeric values only), and the Notify By option will appear with the Text & Email checkboxes.

    4. Time Clock: If Enabled (YES), the Time Clock notification will be sent to the registered Email / Number. The Notify By option will appear with the Text & Email checkboxes.

    5. Daily KPI: If Enabled (YES), the KPI notification will be sent to the registered Email/Number. The Notify By option will appear with the Text & Email checkboxes.

    6. End Of the Day Alert: If Enabled (YES), the End Of the Day Alert notification will be sent to registered Email/Number. The Notify By option will appear with the Text & Email checkboxes.

    7. Wait List: If Enabled (YES), enter the message to send to the registered Number in the Custom Text field. The Notify By option will appear with the Text checkbox.

    8. Sale Recap Report: If Enabled (YES), the Sale Recap Report will be sent to the registered Email. The Notify By option will appear with the Email checkbox.

    9. One Page PDF: If Enabled (YES), One page PDF will be sent to registered email. The Notify By option will appear with the Email checkbox.

  5. Save – when all updates have been made, click SAVE at the top-right.
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