Back Office: Store Scheduler Settings
into the Back Office and select
a Store.
the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings.

the Settings page, under Store click Scheduler.

the Scheduler Settings page, enter or update the following info:
Name – Enter the store’s name.

Type – Enter the store’s type of business.

Phone – Enter the store’s Phone Number (including area code).

Email – Enter the email address to contact the store.

Day of Week – Select the start day of the week from the dropdown.

Address – Enter the store’s address. Use the double diagonal line icon at
the bottom right of the field to increase the viewing size.

– Select the store’s preferred choice of currency from the dropdown.

Zone – Select the store’s time zone from the dropdown.

Format – Select the time format (am/pm [12 hour] and 24-hour)
from the dropdown.

Date Format – Select the date format from
the dropdown.

Temperature Unit – Select the Fahrenheit
(F) or Celsius (C) from the dropdown.

Default Mealtime – Set the default time
length of meals in minutes (enter the amount or use up▲ or down▼ arrows to
increase/decrease the amount by 1.

Default Break Time – Set the default time
length of breaks in minutes (enter the amount or use up▲ or down▼ arrows to
increase/decrease the amount by 1.

per day – If Enabled (YES), set the overtime Hours per day
and set the overtime (x) Pay accordingly by multiple of one (Example:
1.5 = 1.5x the amount of normal pay). If Disabled (NO),
overtime per day will not be set.

Hours per week – If Enabled (YES),
set the overtime Hours per week and set the overtime (x) Pay
accordingly by multiple of one (Example: 1.5 = 1.5x the amount of
normal pay). If Disabled (NO), overtime per week will not be set.

– Set a Holiday. Select the Day (calendar view, mm/dd/yyyy
[defaults to today]) and entering the Name of the holiday. Click +
Holiday to enter a new Day and Name.

Click the red
trash can icon to delete an existing Holiday. A pop-up with
the message ‘Are you sure you want to delete this item’ appears with
Cancel and Delete options. Click Delete to delete the Holiday.
Otherwise, click Cancel/Close to keep the Holiday.

all changes have been made, click UPDATE at the top-right. The Store
Updated confirmation pop-ups appears.

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