Back Office: Stores

Back Office: Stores

  1. Sign into the Back Office

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Stores. The Stores page appears.
    1. Note: Stores may be the default page when you log in.

  3. Click Retail or Restaurant to narrow the view of Stores by those industries.
    1. Retail stores are identified as blue rectangles.

Store Groups
Create a New Store
Store Groups
  1. On the Stores page, at the top-right click Store Groups.

  2. On the Store Groups page: click + New Group to create a new Group (the New Store Group pane appears) or click the corresponding pencil icon to update an existing Group (the Update Store Group pane appears).
    1. To Delete an existing group: click the Trash Can button, then click Delete again.

  3. On the New Store Group pane that appears: enter the Group Name, and select the Store(s) that should appear under the Group from the dropdown. When complete, click Save (or Update if an existing Group). You are returned to the main Store Groups page.

Create a New Store
  1. On the Stores page, at the top-right click + New Store. The New Store pane appears.
  2. Under the General section:
    1. Enter the Store Name (maximum 25 characters).
    2. Select the Account Type from the dropdown (Restaurant or Retail), then select the Business Type from the dropdowns (options are based upon the Account Type selection).

    3. Enter the Phone Number and Email address (optional).
    4. Select the Time Zone from the dropdown.
      1. Tip: Use the Search bar over scrolling, such as typing ‘cent’ for US Central Time.

    5. Select the Language(s) from the dropdown. English is pre-selected by default.

  3. Under the Address section:
    1. Enter the Address Line 1 (street), and any Apt/Suite/etc. if applicable.
    2. Enter the City, State, and Zip Code.
    3. Select the Country from the dropdown. Like with Time Zone, use the search bar.

  4. Select whether to Copy the Menu From an Existing Store. If Yes:
    1. Select if you want to Include Inventory Data.

    2. Select the Store you’d like to Copy data from. You can use the Search bar to identify the store more quickly.

  5. When you’re ready to create the new Store, click Save at the bottom right. You’re returned to the main Stores page and the banner Store saved Successfully appears at the top right.

  6. To quickly find the newly created Store, begin typing the name in the Search bar.


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