Back Office: Table Layout Application Settings

Back Office: Table Layout Application Settings

  1. Sign into the Back Office and select a Store.

  2. On the left-side Navigation Panel, click Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, under Application click Table Layout. The Table Layout screen appears.

  4. Adding a new Floor

    1. To add a new service Floor, click + Add Floor. The New Floor pane appears.

    2. Enter the Floor Name (Dining Room, Bar, etc.).

    3. Enter the Order Sequence.

    4. Enter the Dimensions of the floor space (Width and Height).

    5. Select the Floor Background (Color, Select From Gallery and Upload an image).
      1. Color

        1. Click the small colorized square next to the large one. The Standard Color pane appears.

        2. Select the Standard Color and use the slider to adjust the shade.

        1. Click the second icon (photo). The Select Image pop-up appears.

        2. Select the appropriate background. You are returned to the New Floor screen.

        3. To remove the gallery image as the floor background, hover your mouse over the preview image and click the Trash Can icon.

      2. Upload Image

        1. Click the third button option (document with up arrow). A directory pop-up appears.

        2. Navigate to the image you want to use to represent the floor, then either double-click the file or click and click Open.
          1. Note: If you’re currently using an image from the gallery, it overrides any file you upload. You need to remove the gallery image as the floor background before uploading any image.

    6. When complete, click Save. The floor will appear as a main tab on the Table Layout page.

  5. Managing Current Floors

    1. After you make any updates to a Floor, click Save then Publish.
      1. Your current floors appear as main tabs on the main Table Layout page. The currently selected one will appear as pink font with pink underline.

    2. Tip: You can remove the gridlines from the view of your floor by clicking the button at the top-right of the floor.

      1. Adding to a Floor

        1. You can add Tables or Static Objects (to account for bars or barriers) to your floor.
          1. Table – Start with an oval or rectangle
          2. Static Object – Start with a rectangle

          3. To add a Table or Static Object, click it. It instantly appears on your floor and is selected (indicated by an outline with menu options). Click and drag the table/object to its floor location. You can also choose the number of Seats available.

      2. Managing a Table

        1. Double-click a table or single-click and click Edit.
          1. Edit – Update the Name and select the Table Shape, then click Update.

          2. Delete – The Delete Table pop-up appears. Click Yes to confirm. Otherwise, click Cancel.

          3. Duplicate – Select a table then click Duplicate. A duplicate of the Table will appear over top the original table and is selected with a slightly modified name. Go into Edit mode of the table and update the name of the new Table.
            1. Tip: The default Table naming convention is T[#] (T1, T2, T3, etc.). If the Table you’re duplicating has this naming convention, the duplicating Table will produce the next Table number in the sequence (Example: Duplicating a Table named T1 will produce a Table named T2).
            2. Reminder: After any update to a Floor, make sure you click Save at the top right of the Table Layout screen.

      3. Managing a Static Object

        1. Edit

          1. Double-click the Static Object to enter Edit mode. The Edit pane appears. Update the Name and select the Table Shape, then click Update.

        2. Change Color

          1. Click a Static Object then click Change Color. Select the Standard Color and use the slider to adjust the shade. When your color is selected, click Change Color again.

        3. Delete

          1. The Delete Table pop-up appears. Click Yes to confirm. Otherwise, click Cancel.

        4. Duplicate

          1. Select a table then click Duplicate. A duplicate of the object will appear over top the original object and is selected with a slightly modified name. Go into Edit mode of the object and update the name of the new Object.
            1. Tip: The default Object naming convention is T[#] (T1, T2, T3, etc.). If the Table you’re duplicating has this naming convention, the duplicating Table will produce the next Table number in the sequence (Example: Duplicating a Table named T1 will produce a Table named T2).

      4. Table Display Options

        1. How tables will be displayed in the system.
          1. Table Name – The Name of the Table as set in Table Layout.
          2. Guest Count – The number of Guests currently occupying the Table.
          3. Customer – Name of the party provided by the Customer.
          4. Employee – Name of the Employee currently serving the Table.
          5. Wait Time – Projected amount of time until the table is ready for a new party.

      5. Print QR Code

        1. Click the Print QR Code button to produce sheets of QR Codes for every Table of the current Floor.

      6. Floor Settings

        1. Click the Floor Settings button to update any information set when creating the Floor (see Adding A Floor). Click Update when complete.

  6. Deleting a Floor

    1. Click the Delete Floor button. The Delete Floor pop-up window appears. Click Delete to confirm. Otherwise, click Cancel or Close.

Reminder: After any update to a Floor, make sure you click Save then Publish at the top right of the Table Layout screen.
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