Back Office: Tax Report

Back Office: Tax Report

Displays taxes paid based on the type of tax.

  1. Filter by Tax Per Service Type and Time Period.

  2. Click Apply.
    1. If Tax Per Service Type is disabled (unchecked), the below columns appear:
      1. Tax Name: The Name of the Tax (previously defined).
      2. Tax Percentage: The percentage (%) amount to be taken out of Sales.
      3. Net Sales: The value of the formula = Gross Sale - Tax - Gross Void (or Net Void + Void Tax) - Discount - Discount Tax - Void Discount - Void Discount Tax
      4. Tax Amount: The amount after the Tax Percentage is taken from the Net Sales.
      5. Tax Exempt: This amount (in currency) exempt from Tax
      6. Total: The sum of values in the Tax Amount and Tax Exempt columns.
      7. Rounding Off: Any amount being rounded off from the Tax Amount column.

    2. If Tax Per Service Type is enabled (checked), the Tax is displayed based on the Service Types in POS and the below columns appear:
      1. Tax Name: The Name of the Tax (previously defined).
      2. QSR: The amount (in currency) of taxes collected from Quick Service Restaurant (QSR).
      3. Bar: The amount (in currency) of taxes collected from Bar service.
      4. Dine In: The amount (in currency) of taxes collected from Dine In service.
      5. To Go: The amount (in currency) of taxes collected from To Go service.
      6. Delivery: The amount (in currency) of taxes collected from Delivery.
      7. For Here: The amount (in currency) of taxes collected from For Here service.
      8. Web: The amount of taxes collected from Web orders.
      9. Total: The sum of values from each currency column.

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