Back Office: Till Report

Back Office: Till Report

Contains information about sales generated from both Tills. Tills are mechanical or electronic machines that allow businesses to take payments. It includes tabs for Till and Cash Transaction to display data in a table view.

Cash Transactions
Displays Till activity. To have data in this report, you must set the till on a device such as a tablet.

  1. Select an Employee (from the list of employees who set the till) from the dropdown. You can Search to identify the employee more quickly.
    1. Use the Search bar to find an employee more quickly.

  2. Select the type of till from the dropdown.
    1. Use the Search bar to find an employee more quickly.

  3. Select the Time Period.

  4. Click Apply. A table with the below columns is populated:
    1. Node: Which node (device) on which the transaction was performed. It’s clickable, which displays a new screen.
    2. Date: The creation of the till.
    3. User: The name of the employee who set the till.
    4. Cash Expected: The amount of money in cash form expected to be in the till.
    5. Amount: The amount of money is left in the till.
    6. Over/Shortage: The difference between the Cash Expected and the Amount.

    7. Node Details Screen: Displays the till summary with Export and Back options, and the Load Transactions button at the bottom.

      1. Till Summary
        1. Total Starting Cash: The amount of Total starting cash.
        2. Paid Out: The amount of money Paid out.
        3. Paid In: The amount of money Paid in.
        4. Tip Paid Out: The amount of money paid out in tips.
        5. Cash Drop: The amount of money in cash drops.
        6. Refund: The amount of money refunded.
        7. Void Amount: The amount of money voided.
        8. Cash Transactions: The amount of money from cash transactions.
        9. Expected Cash in till: The amount of money from expected cash in till.
        10. Ending Cash Total: The amount of money in total Ending cash.
        11. Differences: The amount of money in differences.

      2. Click Load Transactions to display a table of all the transactions involved in this till (such as paid in/out, refund, cash drop, etc.), with Search, Columns and Export functionality.

        1. Transaction Date: The Date and Time of the Transaction (DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM AM/PM format).
        2. Employee: The name of the employee who conducted the transaction.
        3. Check: The Check number.
        4. Node: The unique ID of the node where the transaction was conducted.
        5. Transaction Type: The type of transaction conducted.
        6. Amount: The amount of money (in designated currency) exchanged during the transaction.
        7. Reason: The reason for the transaction. For some transactions such as paid-in and paid-out the node asks for a reason.

Cash Transactions
Displays cash-based transaction till activity.
  1. Select an Employee (from the list of employees who set the till) from the dropdown.
    1. You can Search to identify the employee more quickly.

  2. Select the Transaction Type from the dropdown.
    1. You can Search to identify the type more quickly.

  3. Click Apply. A table with the below columns is populated:
    1. Transaction Date: The Date and Time of the Transaction (DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM AM/PM format).
    2. Employee: The name of the employee who conducted the transaction.
    3. Check: If the transaction type is cash, the check number for paid check.
    4. Node: The unique ID of the node where the transaction was conducted.
    5. Transaction Type: The type of transaction conducted.
    6. Amount: The amount of money (in designated currency) exchanged during the transaction.
    7. Reason: The reason for the transaction. For some transactions such as paid-in and paid-out the node asks for a reason.

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